Moody wants DAP & PAS to re-marry

KTemoc Konsiders Muhyiddin: PAS won because it worked with DAP KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 8 — Islamist party PAS was able to spread its influence beyond traditional strongholds due to its previous…

Sabah: Stashed Water

Who was the Minister for KKLW then? Shafie Apdal. He was minister from 10th April 2009 until his removal in the 29th July 2015. Is he involved? I don’t know. SeaDemon Says I still remember…

Our leaders

KTemoc Konsiders From MM Online: Presumably Anwar Ibrahim sent this message from Sg Buloh, that any coalition (which I believe to be Mahathir's Pribumi) wishing to negotiate with Pakatan to…

Pakatan Harapan; The Walking Dead!

Malaysian Observer Even though I am not a fan of TV, I still on occasion hear a quirky comment made about a program or two that that people watch; ‘The Walking Dead’ is one of those programs.…

Mahathir Kampf

SeaDemon Says The above was taken from Mahathir’s latest blog posting entitled ‘Propaganda.’  In this posting he likens Najib Razak to being a Nazi with pro-Najib bloggers such as BigDog …

Is Mahathir worried?

Salleh Said Keruak Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said a number of bloggers who in the past used to support him have switched allegiances and now support Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. What needs…

Allegation of Trojan horses in Umno

Helen Ang Raja Petra Kamarudin had an interesting story yesterday ‘Mahathir shoots his own horses’ on serial police report lodger Armand Azha Abu Hanifah whom RPK says is wearing two hats, i.e.…

Najib, Zahid lost in translation

Rocky's Bru In Berlin, contrary to what Reuters reported, Najib Razak did not say he would not call for an early general election. An aide of the PM said Najib was asked, after his meeting with…

DAP struggles against PKR

KTemoc Konsiders Malaysiakini - People of S'gor not stupid, PKR leader tells Pua With our amazing and most remarkable Election Commission doing its 'magic' again, which MKINI reported in…


Kalau Pakatan Harapan dan Bersatu bersetuju membantu saya, saya tidak akan teragak-agak melawan beliau di kawasan pilihan SPR itu. Zaid Ibrahim Sekali lagi Nazri Aziz berteriak, “Apa lagi…

Will Mahathir free Anwar?

KTemoc Konsiders Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad feels the time has not come yet to discuss the release of jailed former opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar…

PKR & PAN give way to Pribumi

KTemoc Konsiders If Tian Chua of PKR and Khalid Samad of Amanah are both willing to give way to Mahathir's Pribumi in their constituencies for GE-14, then what will happen to Pakatan Harapan? I…


Salleh Said Keruak Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's attendance in court today, as a show of support to Anwar Ibrahim, is not really a shock or surprise. This is what we would call political…