DAP Broken Records

SeaSemon Says The Penang DAP sounds more like a broken record nowadays. When Penang DAP voters dumped Koh Tsu Koon-led Gerakan for DAP, they genuinely believed that DAP could bring about the…

Is Najib politically weak?

KTemoc Konsiders Is PM Najib Razak as politically weak as Bakri Musa reckons he (Najib) is? Bakri Musa in his post at Malaysia Today titled Devolution and the rise of Adenan Satem believes…

Chicken home to roost for Mahathir

KTemoc Konsiders The most famous line of Erich Segal's 'Love Story' has been 'Love means never having to say you're sorry', which was then immortalised in a 1970 film adaptation of that novel.…

Sarawak Repost

SeaDemon Says Give enough rope and he will hang himself That is how the idiom goes.  Muhyiddin was the first one to admit that there was a conspiracy to topple Najib Razak.  Then recently…

Plan B

Zam is under the assumption that any coalition seeking to rule Malaysia must necessarily have, as its foundation, the Ali-Ah Chong-Muthu race formula pioneered by Tunku’s Alliance. Helen Ang…

Purging Penang’s Peasants

SeaDemon Says “You tengoklah sekarang. Kalau you tak ada duit you cuma boleh tengok bukit. Kalau you kaya you boleh tengok laut. Bukan Melayu sahaja yang tak mampu. Cina pun ramai tak mampu!”…


SeaDemon Says Former Sabah Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan knows very well what Mahathir would do to those he hates.  He experienced that first hand in 1990 when Mahathir went all…

Lynch is a bully

(Malaysia Outlook) - A Malaysian-born Australian lawyer Quintin Rozario has labelled the US Attorney General Loretta Lynch as a ‘bully’ over her “gung-ho” civil suit press conference on Malaysian…

LRT vs Tram in Penang

(Malaysia Outlook) - It’s light rail transit (LRT) for Penang under the Penang Transport Master Plan (PTMP). Never mind if it will cost about RM4.8 billion to build the elevated transport system.…

Huan unfazed by Zenith’s suit

(Malaysia Outlook) - Parti Cinta Malaysia vice-president Huan Cheng Guan unfazed by the defamation suit filed against him Consortium Zenith-BUCG (CZBUCG). Pointing out that it was a legal action to…

New colonialism in the Internet era

Salleh Said Keruak To relate the history of colonialism would require a thesis and can never be given justice in a short Blog posting. I shall try, however, to explain in the shortest possible…