Looming war over South China Sea?

Another Brick in the Wall While everyone was victoriously celebrating the end of Ramadhan, Foreign Minister Dato Anifah Aman must be the most nervous person in the country. He seemed to be…

PAN’s moronic proposal

One ex DPM available for hire, employment or installation. Low mileage, hardly used, politically that is, wakakaka. KTemoc Konsiders (The Star) – PAN has endorsed former Umno deputy…

Shafie’s sulking all an act

Back then, Sarawak Report made fictitious expose of "hundred million dollars had been siphoned out by Musa" through "a web of off-shore timber companies" bank accounts in Singapore and Hong Kong.…

Penang’s FOI joke

Anil Netto All kinds of hurdles are placed in the way of releasing information under the Freedom of Information Enactment in Penang. First, you have to apply. Fair enough. Then you have…

The Patriot Father

SeaDemon Says A little over 50 years ago, Tun Razak persuaded my father who was then a Special Branch staff officer in Bukit Aman, to accompany him to Bangkok for the negotiations to end the…

The vote of confidence for Najib

Salleh Said Keruak In the 2013 general election, the majority won by the Barisan Nasional candidate in Kuala Kangsar was just about 2% (51% versus 49%) while in Sungai Besar it was just about…