The sex of Malaysian politics

KTemoc Konsiders It's now raining in Sydney. On such a rainy day, sex would be wonderful. Besides, what else is there worthwhile to do on a raining day, wakakaka. Now, perhaps even politics…

Hudud: Central to Islam?

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar The proponents of hudud laws have created the erroneous impression that hudud laws are central to Islam, that they define the character and identity of an Islamic state and…

PKR and corruption

Salleh Said Keruak “Ex-PKR Youth chief Ezam Mohd Noor has challenged former mentor Anwar Ibrahim to make public the six boxes of documents the latter claims to have containing evidence of…

Malaysia. We Need To Talk.

I can’t promise you anything. I may or may not stay with you for the longest run. But it all depends on us, not just on you, and it’s not just on me either. Vulcan Post Dear Malaysia,…

Let’s not lose track of democracy

Salleh Said Keruak There is a lot of hype regarding the one million (some say 500,000 and others say 1.2 million) signatures that the ‘Save Malaysia’ campaign was supposed to have received in…