Mukhriz atau buku 1MDB yang menipu?

Tun Faisal Dot Com 1. Siapa sebenarnya yang menipu? Buku penjelasan isu 1MDB atau Mukhriz Mahathir? Semasa berucap dalam Majlis Bicara Selamatkan Malaysia di Johor Baharu pada 29 April 2016,…

Be Wary of The Adenan Fever

A fever is an indicator of a problem, a blood infection in the body and we should be very wary of the Adenan Fever, it may kill you! Thomas Fann If you are in Sarawak right now during this…

Truth or Consequences!

The Malaysian Observer The opposition (DAP, PKR, Tun ‘M’ and the rest) spent 2015 and the earlier part of 2016 trying to taint Prime Minister Najib Razak in the eyes of the public. On almost…

Sarawak’s untold story of success

Salleh Said Keruak In November 2015, the DAP-led Penang state government announced a deficit budget for the fifth year running (FMT, 6 Nov 2015). The deficit, said Penang Chief Minister Lim…

Kitai Milih Sarawak

SeaDemon Says Sekali tu DAP mantaika pengangkun kediri ketegal kering runding dataika sanggup ngelaban PKR ba sekeda sitak. DAP sanggup bechakar mulut lalu bejaku bejaie ke bansa enggau…

The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend!

The Malaysian Observer There is a saying that goes: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. In other words if I don’t like you, but we both have a common enemy, then we are friends! This is the…

What Opposition?

Forget about electoral pact altogether. It did not work in GE13 and it has not worked in the Sarawak election. Zaid Ibrahim In the run-up to the 13th General Elections (GE14) in 2013, Lim…

Tun Mahathir; ‘Breaking Bad’!

The Malaysian Observer The highly popular TV program ‘Breaking Bad’ was about a chemistry teacher who was diagnosed with Stage 3 cancer.  Only given two (2) years, so he decides that he has…