Tomb of Lies

‘A’ steals from Bank X then transfers to ‘B’ who in turn deposits half the loot into A’s Bank Y. Is B donating to A — technically? ShuZheng Dear Azalina: You’ve been lying and lying and…

Mahathir no longer represents Umno

Salleh Said Keruak Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad appears very confused about what his real motives are. On the one hand he says he opposes Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and wants Najib replaced…

Who is a whistleblower?

KTemoc Konsiders The dictionary says a whistleblower is a person who informs on another or makes public disclosure of corruption or wrongdoing. And it's by this meaning that most Malaysians…

Another desperate act of Mahathir

Salleh Said Keruak I hope Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is not purposely trying to set himself up to get arrested with the aim of gaining public sympathy when he told The Weekend Australian that…

1MDB: the truth is finally revealed

Salleh Said Keruak Although the Public Accounts Committee’s report on 1MDB presented to Parliament today has not implicated Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak in any wrongdoing, he still must be…


Huan's Thoughts KLIDC: ZERO EMPLOYEES, Emphasis on Matter, negative asset values The Chinese press have started doing their own investigations and found that even in 2010, KLIDC had net…

Orang Tionghua disalahkan lagi

KTemoc Konsiders FMT - Low Chinese turnout at rally affects T-shirt business 'Ni Cinakui selalu kena disalahkanlah, wakakaka. Misalnya, back in 1969, someone lost his election in the…

Finally the truth emerges

Salleh Said Keruak “Investigators believe money flowed to Malaysian leader Najib’s accounts amid 1MDB probe,” screamed The Wall Street Journal’s headlines on 2nd July 2015. And after that Prime…

When the blind lead the blind!

The Malaysian Observer There is little doubt that when the various conspirators formulated their plan to remove Prime Minister Najib Razak, they did so believing that it would be as easy as…

Malaysian Mandate of Heaven

KTemoc Konsiders Currently Ku Li is in a bit of an embarrassing strife because of an unsigned Stat Dec, but it won't matter much because I suspect Najib really doesn't give two figs about Ku Li…

Why special favours for KLIDC?

Huan's Thoughts Why is the Penang State Government especially lenient to KLIDC for not fulfilling the terms of the original tender award even after six years? Today, someone dropped this…

Using democracy to attack democracy

Salleh Said Keruak Sunday’s so-called ‘Save Malaysia’ gathering was anything but about saving Malaysia. And what or who, in the first place, are they trying to save Malaysia from? And how can…