Trust our fellow reformists

For us to succeed the lack of trust amongst the “reformists” must be addressed. We must not be so haughty and condescending towards those who (we think) were once not reformists or progressives…

No Further Action

SeaDemon Says I haven’t said much about the RM2.6 billion money that was donated through a vehicle bearing Najib Razak’s name. What I know for sure is that the Malaysian Anti Corruption…

Rafizi’s claptrap?

KTemoc Konsiders An extract from Malaysiakini's Rafizi, 'system change' isn't replacing one devil with another by MKINI reader-commentator Proarte: Proarte: "Rafizi stressed that PKR always…

Prospective and Retrospective Blackmail.

How to reveal that what took place during Mahathir’s time must also reveal what the ministers under Mahathir did. Well, all the ministers made hay while the Mahathir sun shone.  That would have to…

“I did not say it!”

Just Read Yes, I don't remember Mohd Bakke Salleh said anything about the RM2.6 billion donation came from 1MDB. It came, in fact, from PM Najib's political enemy and the RBA agents who up…

Emperor booby-trapped?

KTemoc Konsiders Please tell me, prior to the beginning of the Chinese New Year how many of you know Cao Guojiu? Wait, let me rephrase that more appropriately - how many of you "Chinese"…

Presumed Guilty III

All the elements are there to presumed he is involved. It is almost near to impossible that he is not in the know of what is happening at TIA and 1MDB. As former MoF II or Minister in charge of…

Happy Chinese New Year

Salleh Said Keruak While Malays say that it is the duty of the non-Malays to understand and show sensitivity to Malay customs, culture, traditions and taboos, it is also the duty of Malays to…

Dr Mahathir needs to get real

Salleh Said Keruak Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said, “There was a time not so very long ago when Malaysia was admired for successfully raising itself from an impoverished third world country into a…

When Daim Talks Cock

SeaDemon Says I found this in a WhatsApp group I reluctantly subscribes to (a friend added me into the group thinking I have all the time to look and reply to messages). It is an old message…

Mr Lauber Lauber

SeaDemon Says When the statement above came out, I was like “Whoa! What’s this all about?” I wasn’t caught surprised by the statement, I was more surprised that a press statement was made by…