Pillow Talk

SeaDemon Says The Attorney-General has decided not to proceed with the case of the RM2.6 billion donated into a special account bearing the Prime Minister’s name as the account holder with…

Does anyone want to go to Heaven?

Is he going to follow the AG’s instructions to close the file? What were the MACC’s core recommendations? Is he not ashamed that the AG can tell him how to run the MACC? Zaid Ibrahim A Malay…

Chaotic Kedah

SeaDemon Says Two years ago when I attended a meeting with an armed forces veterans association in Kedah I was briefed on some of the problems the association was facing and they asked me if…

When a Menteri Besar is removed

Salleh Said Keruak The vote of no confidence against Kedah Menteri Besar Mukhriz Mahathir on Wednesday is not really a major crisis or something that has never happened before. Only that maybe…

Why must Umno do that?

Salleh Said Keruak Lim Kit Siang asked whether Umno is prepared to open its membership to non-Malays. This is actually a non-issue because Umno has never claimed to be a multi-racial party…

Akhirnya penjelasan perlu memuaskan

Semua ini bertitik tolak dari kegagalan atau ketidak upayaan pihak berwajib menjawab dengan tepat, cepat dan mudah difahami. Snapshot 2016 KOMENTAR Bulletin Sengal menulis berikut dalam…

Mat Sabu wants LGE to love him

Just Read Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) president Mohamad Sabu today rubbished allegations that DAP is an anti-Islam and anti-Malay party, claiming that the Penang state government took better…

Remembering the legacy of Tun Razak

Salleh Said Keruak Malaysia’s second Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein, who was born 94 years ago, died 40 years ago on 14th January 1976 at the age of 54. While the first Prime Minister,…

Land of fatwas

Zaid Ibrahim Malays are a demanding lot — that we know. They have enjoyed special privileges far beyond what was intended under the Federal Constitution and have survived on a rentier business…

A Negative Proton

SeaDemon Says Protons are supposed to be positive charged. Somehow, that is not part of the traits of our beloved Proton. Don’t get me wrong. Proton has mostly churned out good cars. My first…

Presumed “Guilty”

It is as though MACC timed the statement to divert the attention away from the good news. Another Brick in the Wall In the movie, Presumed Innocent, Deputy Prosecutor, "Rusty" Sabich (played…

Lies, Lies and more Lies

Stop the Lies Whether the total land value price of Bandar Malaysia is RM12.35b or RM10b, 1MDB’s debts are majority resolved leaving an estimated asset value of RM13b  – net of debt. But of…

Self Defence & Mohamad Zulkifli

Even in a situation where automatism appears to be a part of the facts of the case, generally, the defendant will still be charged with an offence, plead not guilty, proceed to trial, and then…

As we enter 2016

Salleh Said Keruak Tonight, Malaysians will be celebrating the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016. In the west it is a time when we reflect on the year gone-by and make our New Year…

New Year’s Eve bullshit

KTemoc Konsiders At Malaysia-Today, I read of the DAP being offered RM1.2 billion by Israel, yes Israel to win GE-13, following which (hypothetically after Pakatan had captured Putrajaya) it…