The shameful 43 votes

LSS Report Chedet's blog post yesterday titled "Menghadapi Cabaran", was full of shameless hypocrisy.  He is essentially accusing PM Najib of not being brave enough to face challenges in next…

Dr Mahathir also faced allegations

Salleh Said Keruak Today, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad posted an article in his blog complaining about all sorts of things. Basically he is not happy that things are not being done his way and his…

Chinese PKR against DAP

KTemoc Konsiders Malaysiakini - Penang Umno motion - PKR reps' conscience, or planned revolt? The above is an article penned by CM Lim Guan Eng himself. He wrote (relevant extracts only):…

When violence begets violence

Salleh Said Keruak It is probably an overused cliché to say that violence begets violence but what other way to describe what is going on in the world today? Even before the world can get over…

Bad act of failed bastardisation

BIG DOG DOT COM CIMB Chairman Dato’ Seri Nazir Razak has been caught with his pants down again on another failed act of bastardisation, in his sordid rhetoric attempt to portray an adversarial…

The silent majority must speak out

Salleh Said Keruak The massacre in Paris on Friday night that saw 128 dead so far and 180 wounded is the second terrorist incident this year after the Charlie Hebdo shooting and has brought…

When M&Ms aren’t nice

SeaDemon Says M&Ms are nice. They melt in your mouth, not in your hands. Easy to swallow. Not so the M&M that are being referred to in this latest article posted by Sin Chew .…

The police interview

Dr Mahathir Mohamad 1. There were a large number of reporters waiting to interview me about the questioning by the police that the IGP and the Minister of Home Affairs had promised. 2. I was…

Current trends in Malaysian society

Dr Chandra Muzaffar Current trends in Malaysian society do not generate much optimism about the future. Gleaned from the electoral landscape, there are two trends one should focus upon: one,…

Skandal YaPEIM

Presiden & Timbalan Presiden Lembaga Pemegang Amanah YaPEIM serta keluarga (Wanita UMNO) pegang 26 jawatan bergaji, pendapatan keseluruhan RM154,700 sebulan. National Oversight &…

More Questions, Less Answers

Lim Sian See has rattled off a long list of queries directed to Tun Dr. Mahatir in his LSS Report blog, ostensibly to extract truth behind his motivations and actions. But truth is in rare…

Stop Humiliating Tun M

Why drag in the police? Najib Razak should just sue Tun Mahathir for slander, or civil defamation—that, at least, is how a man should behave. Zaidgeist For the first time in our history, the…

Borrowing is part of doing business

Salleh Said Keruak In his latest Blog posting today, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad commented that if 1MDB had not been created then it would not have needed to borrow RM42 billion. If a multi-billion…

Why is Najib still PM?

Because Malays, generally speaking, do not feel the sense of anger or revulsion against leaders who are corrupt, or who steals from state coffers. Taking money from unauthorised sources are…

Should Muhyiddin quit UMNO?

Rocky's Bru Reluctant wannabe no more. What former DPM Muhyiddin Yassin said, about Dr Mahathir Mohamad's offer to him to be Prime Minister after Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, was true. He turned…