When we get caught up in semantics

Salleh Said Keruak It appears that some people would rather spend precious time debating semantics rather than focus on the more crucial issue of development and improving services. And because…

Historia De Los Cojones

SeaDemon Says Wishful thinking. My take on yesterday morning’s press conference where the group of 6 spoke against SOSMA being used on Mahathir’s running dogs. 1) Mahathir now publicly…

Najib and MCA in a lose-lose game

KTemoc Konsiders MM Online - You want more? Make the Chinese back BN, Najib tells MCA On the surface of it, Najib's call seems more than fair, as he's implying that he has already 'given' to…

Harapkan Pagar

But none of the judges seem interested in the ideas of freedom and liberty. None of them have commented on the intrinsic value of these principles. Instead, they behave as if they are afraid of…

Zeti continuously slept on the job

Another Brick in the Wall Attorney General statement said the report submitted and application for review by BNM was in insufficient to bring a legal case on 1MDB for alleged offense under para…

Misinformed and missing the target

Big Dog The Council of Rulers through the Keeper of the Ruler's Seal yesterday issued a statement about their concern regarding 1MDB and the matter has been presented as if being perceived by…

Did M’sia just sign a suicidal deal?

Azly Rahman It was conceived in secrecy; that even members of the US Congress did not get to read the discussions leading to the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), the world of global…

Too much propaganda

Another Brick in the Wall When an answer to an enquiry is not accepted or disputed, the onus is on the enquirer to open his or her hand and divulge the proofs. For seven months and…

Drastic Desperado Doublespeak

KTemoc Konsiders 10 days ago I posted There are criminals and then there are criminals in which I mentioned Mahathir stating (reported by Malaysiakini) that PM Naib could even be arrested by…

Red Shirts set tone for next GE

World Future TV Malaysia (PAS) and on the traditional demonising of the Democratic Action Party (DAP), but these are not the only powerful drivers of the Umno battle plan. It's current…

Who after Najib?

Another Brick in the Wall It is a Sunday. Not the best day to talk politics. Time for family, leisure and errands. Those going balik kampong for Hari Raya Haji and school holidays will be…