
The Chinese rejected him totally despite his declaring himself to be their brother. Dr Mahathir Mohamad 1. I had worked hard to make Najib the Prime Minister of Malaysia. 2. But now I…

PKR roasted in London

Lim Kit Siang The remarks sounded like fingernails being dragged across the blackboard. They were made by a member of the audience, at a dialogue with two PKR executive councillors (exco) from…

The case of a good Attorney-General

Zaid Ibrahim It’s clear from his actions so far that this Attorney-General is not going to be helpful to the cause of democracy and the rule of law in this country. Some are already saying he…

Why did Mahathir not sue?

Salleh Said Keruak The argument is simple. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) has made certain allegations against Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak. If the allegations are not true then Najib should…

How the media plays a crucial role

Salleh Said Keruak Political analysts look at Malaysia’s 2008 general election and conclude that the Internet or social media played a crucial role in influencing the outcome of that general…

Saying the damndest things…

It’s alarming to see how the Red Shirt Malays can’t tell the difference between what’s good for them and what’s good for Najib. Zaidgeist Malays somehow keep producing leaders who say the…

Should not guilt be proven instead?

Salleh Said Keruak This is what Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said today regarding the Al-Jazeera documentary on the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu: “Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has to clear…

Written Confession of Xavier Justo

LSS Report As the full confession and WhatsApp logs of Xavier Justo continues to be leaked and published by the local media in sensational fashion that has implicated Sarawak Report, Clare…

Aljazeera’s distortion and lies

Salleh Said Keruak Aljazeera just came out with a documentary that is a rehash of an old story and presented as if it is a current development. Why Aljazeera wants to spin this distortion, some…

Big Brother MCMC watching over you

One blogger noticed that local blogs using had their domain changed to .my. Another Brick in the Wall This was recently highlighted by a participant in one of our many Whass App…

Caponization of DAP?

KTemoc Konsiders Malaysiakini - Hadi: PAS to contest in DAP dominated seats next GE (extract): According to the Malay daily today, the move is seen as an counter attack against the PAS…

The ugly side of Umno

You lambast and condemn them, yet at the time when you have to throw yourself in the mercy of the public, you beg for their votes; throwing huge sums of money here and there just to solicit…

Is PAS still part of Pakatan Rakyat?

Salleh Said Keruak Anwar Ibrahim said that PAS is still part of the opposition coalition, Pakatan Rakyat. “The formation of a new opposition party (Parti Amanah Negara) committed to change and…

Rally Behind Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad

It is pointless to rue the lack of Malay support for Bersih 4 when that could have been easily overcome by treating Malay leaders with more respect. Zaidgeist Thank you, Mr President, for…