Gone Over The Edge

Sea Demon Says I love the way people reacted to my previous post. I made no mention of who’s who at the meetings, and I was merely writing about what I was told. The reactions, or…

Arab money and the Malaysian Spring?

LSS Report This research paper by the "German Institute for International and Security Affairs" explains in detail how much and why Saudi Arabia was funding friendly incumbent govts to prevent…

Muhyiddin bukan dipecat kerana 1MDB

PRU14 Anwar buka langkah lawan Dr Mahathir dan gagal maka beliau terpaksa menanggung akibat dari kegagalan tersebut. Terima lah hakikat itu. Muhyiddin juga buka langkah lawan Najib dan beliau…

What regulating the Internet means

Salleh Said Keruak Even before details of what I meant can be revealed the opposition is already jumping to conclusions and is accusing the government of trying to stifle free speech. Maybe…

Living On The Edge

Sea Demon Says I don’t talk much about who I am. Only BigDog actually sent me a private message on Twitter about four years ago asking if I am who he thought I am. I just said yes. Being who I…

When you disagree with the government

Salleh Said Keruak On 3rd August, the British government sold off 5.4% of the shares that it owned in the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) at £3.30 per share that it bought seven years ago at £5.00 per…

With my added duties

Salleh Said Keruak With my recent appointment as a Senator and Cabinet member that is going to increase the demands on my time. I will still, however, put aside some time to continue to Blog my…

Why I will not attend Bersih 4

Loyar Burok This is not going to be well received by many. But let me emphasise the title of this opinion piece. Why I (meaning me, personally and singularly) will not join the Bersih 4 Rally.…

Malaysia’s mess is Mahathir-made

Dan Slater, University of Chicago, East Asia Forum At least embattled Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak is right about one thing. The current mess in Malaysian politics is the making of his…

This is the lowest blow ever

Salleh Said Keruak The statement by the Umno Deputy President and Deputy Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin, is that he and the rest of the Umno Supreme Council and Cabinet are totally in the…

Hard to Sabotage 1MDB Task Force Now

The police sudden shift of attention from the 1MDB investigation to the allegation of conspiracy to topple the PM and the role of Justo had raised concern that it was more interested the political…

How is GHB being funded?

Salleh Said Keruak Months ago there was already talk that DAP was funding the anti-ulama’ group within PAS that was trying to oust the ulama’ faction. This has created the perception that this…

We admit and we surrender

LSS Report We surrender. (well, not me) After Thai Police Chief had said that 10 persons dealt with Xavier Justo in the sale of stolen date, The Edge's publisher probably lost his nerves and…