It is beginning to become hazy

Salleh Said Keruak Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s latest Blog posting is not very clear. It sounds very much like he is on the defensive and is trying to justify his actions by comparing it with…

Enam Tan Sri Menari Rentak Berbeza

Ada yang tidak kena dengan perkara ini. Dalam keadaan anda tidak tahu sama ada terdapat sebarang wang yang hilang. Namun anda pergi mencari wang tersebut sebelum anda mendapat pengesahan bahawa…

Banyak Pertempuran Dalam Perang 1MDB

Keseluruhan strategi bergantung kepada hanya satu fakta: RM2.6 bilion dana 1MDB  telah dipindahkan ke dalam akaun bank peribadi Najib. Namun adakah itu merupakan wang 1MDB? Adakah itu akaun bank…

Night of the Long Knives

KTemoc Konsiders Undeniably the knives are out for Najib Razak. Wait, that's not right because the knives were out long ago, since his DPM days when there was a G.A.N (Gerakan Anti Najib)…

Rampasan Kuasa Pertama Di Malaysia

Adakah ianya satu perkara yang cukup memalukan apabila anda membuat tuduhan terhadap seseorang kemudian terbongkar pula bahawa anda dan/atau anak-anak anda pula merupakan pihak yang menerima wang…

Why are they getting so desperate?

Salleh Said Keruak Lim Kit Siang wants Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to head a Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) that he wants set up to investigate alleged wrongdoings in 1MDB. That is similar to…

Show me the evidence first

Salleh Said Keruak Malaysia is abuzz today regarding the later expose by Sarawak Report (SR) and The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). I am not going to get too excited just yet at this so-called…

Just Justo

Dr Mahathir Mohamad 1. Some people are very excited about Justo. Now they say the critics of the Prime Minister should apologise. Apologise for what? The fact remains that vast amounts of money…