
Dr Mahathir Mohamad 1. A friend visited me in my office recently. I had helped him a lot when I was PM not with money or jobs, but by smoothening bureaucratic processes in the way of his…

“Do you believe RPK?”

Rocky's Bru Pak Tam left a single liner in my comment box yesterday: Can you believe RPK? I responded with a one-liner too: Do you believe the Sarawak Report? I owe Pak Tam a little…

The role the Monarchy can play

Salleh Said Keruak Malaysia is a parliamentary democracy based on the British Westminster system of government. Malaysia is also a constitutional monarchy just like the UK is. However, the…

The reforms we should look at

Salleh Said Keruak The keyword today is reforms. However, while Malaysians talk about reforms and the need for Malaysia to reform, not many really understand what the word means and what it…

As what Ku Li said

Salleh Said Keruak YBM Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah a.k.a. Ku Li said something in Parliament today that makes a lot of sense. First he said he does not want to comment on 1MDB at this point of…

Now let PAC do its job

Salleh Said Keruak “Uncalled for accusations that have yet to be proven and other accusations which will affect the investigation will eventually lead to its failure,” said the PAC chairman,…

The Final Script in 1MDB’s Saga

Could the penning of the final script of the 1Malaysia Development Berhad’s saga have started? A Kadir Jasin I continue to pick up information from the streets, the coffee shops and stalls…

1MDB, IPP, et al

SeaDemon Says In the past, I have not said much about the controversial issue surrounding 1MDB. Why 1MDB? What are the roles of 1MDB and its contributions to our national economy? I have been…

Apa lagi Tun mahu?

Salleh Said Keruak Today, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad touched on a number of issues in his blog posting. One issue was regarding the two police officers who have been convicted for murder. Dr…

Hijabers, Stop Being a Moral Police!

How do you validate that one way is correct and others are not, unless you want to ask God personally? Magdalene I was just about to drink mineral water, lifting the bottle with my left hand…

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

SeaDemon Says My father is 76 this year. He is still as sharp as ever. He only learnt to use a smartphone about a year ago after the passing of my late brother. He relied much on his trusted…

Security is part of human rights

Salleh Said Keruak Malaysians love talking about human rights and civil liberties. But human rights in the Malaysian context merely means freedom of speech, no detention without trial, and the…

Malaysia is not going bankrupt

Salleh Said Keruak Greece is struggling to find the money to pay its RM3 billion loan to the IMF that is now due. Even if it can find that money in such short notice that still does not solve…

Why Dr M dislikes Najib?

KTemoc Konsiders You know, I may be a DAP supporter (though this is not set in concrete, wakakaka) but I still, used to anyway, admire Dr M for his achievements and bold leadership among the…

Our Collective Failure

Art Harun It is not that it happens. Rather it is how brazen it is. And how blatant it is. And to think that the perpetrators of this humongous scheme could just get away Scott-free, happily…