Dr M – stirring, not shaken

KTemoc Konsiders James Bond might have his Dr No, but we have better, our own Dr M, wakakaka. See TMI's Umno today is about money, Dr M fires back at critics- reading Dr M's complaint, all I…

No to Hudud, Yes to New Politics

Aliran Aliran holds that the 1957 Federal Constitution is the supreme law of the Federation. Article 3 proclaims that “Islam is the religion of the Federation; but other religions may be…

National hero?

KTemoc Konsiders Has Dr M been right to char koay teow on the Altantuyaa case, by calling on Najib NOW to answer allegedly unanswered questions on the murder of the Mongolian model, or ...…

Malaysia must get back its bearings

The country needs to be transformed and this can be done without Najib and his substandard Cabinet. Aspan Alias Malaysians yearn for the nation to get back to the state it was in some three…

The exaggeration against Najib

Salleh Said Keruak Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has raised many issues against Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and has said that these issues are going to result in Barisan Nasional losing the next…

1MDB: when politics overrides truth

Salleh Said Keruak Undeniably, we need a strong opposition to keep the government in check. Any country devoid of an opposition would be a breeding ground for a dictatorship or autocracy. That…

DAP ‘amputating’ PAS gone wrong!

KTemoc Konsiders I'm rather disappointed with what we see as the DAP recent tactic vis-a-vis PAS and its hudud. I feel DAP has mangled (f**kup) its handling of the sorry situation. But before I…

Pakatan “Selamat Malaysia”?

KTemoc Konsiders TMI - To save Malaysia, Kit Siang suggests new coalition with MPs from BN, Pakatan Only if Najib shows support for PAS' hudud, Lim KS expresses his PERSONAL proposal for a new…

Stop hassling the Prime Minister

Salleh Said Keruak You do not have to be a political genius to see that both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat are going through a crisis. The crises are both inter-party as well as…

Facing up to reality

There’s no need for us to think of the real reasons why we have so many problems in the country in the first place. Zaidgeist It has been a great week of golfing in Hanoi with my newfound…

How Long will Nurul Izzah be Jailed For?

(CiliSos) - Nurul Izzah was arrested under the Sedition Act, fine. But we did mention that the PAA doesn’t allow for arrest, so how did the other guys get arrested? Well, this is where the Penal…

Najib’s trial by media

Salleh Said Keruak I remember back in 1997 when Anwar Ibrahim’s gang in Umno attacked the then Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad regarding his family and friends who were alleged to have…

Is Doris Jones for real?

Salleh Said Keruak The Malaysian Government needs to establish who is this Doris Jones who is allegedly leading the movement called Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM). It seems Jones is her…