Malaysia’s Fave Punching Bag

KTemoc Konsiders In a post over at my KTemoc Kongsamkok blog titled My Day of Infamy (1) wakakaka I wrote: I recall reading an article where Japanese executives, suffering from highly…

In the spirit of national unity

Salleh Said Keruak The four-year long American Civil War between the United States and the Confederated States from April 1861 to May 1865 saw about a million dead and wounded from both sides…

Be careful what you ask for!

KTemoc Konsiders TMI - Why is Razak Baginda protecting Najib over Altantuya’s murder, asks lawyer Our most learned legal counsellor, Mr Americk Singh Sidhu, is back once again, this time to…

Islamism is a Chinese problem

Always made the bogeyman of Umno’s clumsy political machinations, it is the Chinese, not Umno, who must pay for the consequences, the backlash from the threats issued by the assorted Malay …

More rope to hang Lukas Straumann?

BlogTakes It appears that there will be more rope to hang Bruno Manser Fund’s Dr Lukas Straumann for the defamatory statements made in recent weeks against Sarawak governor Tun Pehin Sri Haji…

The local council elections debate

Salleh Said Keruak The issue of the third vote or local council elections is being hotly debated by both sides of the political divide and is receiving mixed reactions from both those in…

The Limits of Satire

As satire it has failed. The worst case is when satire reinforces the state of mind it purports to undercut, polarizes prejudices, and provokes the very behavior it condemns. This appears to be…

Zam, Kadir, Johan and power struggles

Zainuddin Maidin has been a longtime friend of Mahathir Mohamad, a fellow Kedahan, and both shares conservative views on Malay and Muslim rights. uppercaise Zam’s journalism career began in…

Umno will not survive a civil war

They will get so disgusted with Umno, that even their dislike of Pakatan will not make them want to vote for BN ever again. Life of Annie I have not been writing the past four days as I'm…

When parochialism takes over

Salleh Said Keruak I am very concerned about talk by some Sabahans that Malaya annexed Sabah in 1963 and that Sabah needs to conduct a referendum as to whether Sabahans still want to remain in…