Saya Nombor 26

Satu petisyen telah dimulakan untuk rakyat Malaysia beragama Islam dan berbangsa Melayu untuk menyokong seruan ini. Loyar Burok Pada hari Ahad, 7hb Disember, 2014 yang lalu, sekumpulan 25…

Is Umno on self-destruct mode?

Salleh Said Keruak Eight years ago back in 2006, certain forces within Umno decided to launch an attack on the then Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. The result was quite dramatic when…

Why must the guitar and piano be haram?

Too much religious argument. Not enough common sense these days So goes a statement I read last few days; one produced by a some clerics. So, help me understand this please. This is getting…

The Malays’ path to democracy

Zaid Ibrahim If you listen carefully to the statements by Perkasa and UMNO, you’ll realise they are very similar. For example, Perkasa is framing Sisters In Islam’s legal challenge of the…

Big Brother Ain’t Big Any More

The Unspoken Truth International events have shown how the American government has this illusion it is the supervisor of governments around the world. Its self-proclaimed right to interfere in…

We Are NOT Stupid, Mahathir!

The Unspoken Truth These days, former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad grouchily gripes about the Mahathir days and recently, about how stupid are Malaysians. If he shifts the blame to the preferred…

Mohd Najib Kecam Blogger Upahan Umno

A Kadir Jasin PRESIDEN Umno, Mohd Najib Abdul Razak, semalam secara terbuka mendedahkan yang Umno mengupah blogger. Inilah kali pertama seorang pemimpin atasan Umno dan kerajaan membuat…

Beyond Brickbats and Baloney

Truthfully Yours Whilst many lambaste the government for the latest decision over the status of Sedition Act, few have stopped to question why our Prime Minister announced the rationale behind…

“Malays Unite”

Zaid Ibrahim This slogan is a tad too old and uninspiring, and it rings hollow as a rallying cry for this year’s UMNO General Assembly. Malays are not easily fooled by the false alarm,…

Perkasa’s New Direction?

Joshua Wu Perkasa seems to be getting more and more dissatisfied with UMNO’s performance in defending malay rights. A coalition of Malay rights groups (including Perkasa) plans to submit a …

UMNO: Tepuk dada tanyalah selera

Justeru apa yang dikatakan oleh Muhyidin itu betul dan benar. Kali ini mungkin barisan kepimpinan hari ini akan jatuh dan membawa kejatuhan UMNO bersama mereka. Mereka masih tidak rela untuk turun…

Silent No More, Please

Towards a New Malaysia Since PM Najib attributed UMNO-BN poor performance at GE13 to a Chinese tsunami and Utusan followed up with “Apa lagi Cina mau?,” all hell was let loosed and the racists…