Gaza, a humanitarian disaster

Salleh Said Keruak Gaza’s known history goes back 4,000 years. Considering India’s known civilisation is 10,000 years and 5,000 years for China, we can assume that Gaza’s unknown history is…

End Game Di Timur Tengah

OutSyed The Box * Bodies found north of Baghdad as Sunni insurgents turn on each other * 12 corpses found following fighting between rival Sunni insurgents * Infighting between Islamic…

Protocol and politics

Salleh Said Keruak The opposition is criticising Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim for attending a buka puasa with Prime Minister Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak. Some are even saying…

Bring May 13

AIDC Dear DAP Leaders and Dr. P. Ramasamy, Need I remind you that May 13th, 1969 was a dark blotch in Malaysia’s otherwise clean history? Neighbour turned against neighbour. Friends turned…

Najib needs to watch his back

Salleh Said Keruak While the whole country appears focused on the power struggle in Selangor and are placing bets on whether Selangor Menteri Besar, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, would be out by this…

My 3 strikes out for Khalid Ibrahim

I didn't like Khalid Ibrahim from the beginning - sorry, correction to that, not from the very beginning when he was the PKR candidate for the Ijok by-election in 2007 but during the Grand Saga…

PKR, parti ‘Cina Buta’ sahaja

Aspan Alias Jika orang ramai yang bernasib baik kehidupan, mereka akan merayakan Aidilfitri dengan riang gembira setelah berpuasa sebulan lamanya di bulan Ramadan. Bagi Khalid Ibrahim, MB…

The Rafizi Ramli mess

Salleh Said Keruak It appears like Rafizi Ramli’s so-called brilliant ‘Kajang Move’ is proving to be not so brilliant after all. What we are seeing is one mess after another. Overshadowing…

Political snippets (22)

Is he more than just a diplomat? wakakaka KTemoc Konsiders Wakakaka, I'm back after more than 3 weeks on the road (hence my short posts with smaller fonts sans photos, pictures or links).…

If I were a judge….

Zaid Ibrahim Utusan Malaysia has made a call for the unity and solidarity of all Malaysians after the Federal Court’s “decision” to agree with the Court of Appeal that the word “Allah” can be…

Akta Hasutan

Tetapi kerana hasutan dibenar mereka yang berminat untuk mendiri Republik Malaysia berhak dan bebas untuk meneruskan kempen mereka. Che Det 1. Kerajaan bercadang untuk menghapuskan Akta…

Religious freedom and Malay Muslims

(CPI) - During the past few months, partly arising from the widespread public reaction to the hudud issue, a debate has taken place on the side in relation to the subject matter of apostasy among…

Brave Malays

Zaid Ibrahim The Prime Minister has once again made a clarion call for the Malays to be brave, and the kind of bravery he wants them to emulate is that of the soldiers of the Islamic State of…

Why is Malaysia so Polarised today?

Whatever PR does is RIGHT. Even if it is wrong, it is ok for their wrong is not as unforgivable as BN's mistakes. Citizen Times In the good old days, citizens only had The Straits Echo, New…