Jamil Khir Tak Reti Perlembagaan

Very soon Raja Nazrin will be installed as the Sultan of Perak. He will or must go through a multitude of royal rituals and ceremonies some of which are definitely not of Islamic origins.…

Rombak Kabinet: PM Gugur Najib?

Perdana Menteri perlu memikirkan semula kedudukan Mohd Najib sebagai Menteri Kewangan. A Kadir Jasin DALAM 1Malaysia macam-macam ada, satu jenaka SMS yang sedang diedarkan berbunyi:…

Measuring Malay Success

Zaid Ibrahim I admire Tun Daim Zainuddin. He was not known as a lawyer or even as an economist, and yet became a Malaysian economic czar and Finance Minister of our country. He is also one…

Who the fuck is his boss?

INI RUPA KELING ITU Tukar-Tiub KOMENTAR untuk pembaca yang kurang faham biar diterangkan disini pkr sedang mengadakan pemilihan malik husin adalah salah seorang ahli jawatan kuasa…

Hudud Debate in Dewan Negeri Selangor

Have they allayed themselves and allow themselves to at least try to learn what Hudud is actually all about?  Hikayat Putera Kemuning First of all, kudos to YB Speaker Hannah Yeoh for…

Bible issue backfires on Selangor

Salleh Said Keruak In January this year, Jabatan Agama Islam Negeri Selangor (Jais) raided the Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM) and seized more than 300 Bibles that were published in the Malay…

Of MAS, Cabinet Reshuffle & Such

Now the talk is that this so called 'turn around plan' will be nothing more than selling off MAS Engineering and MAS Kargo. Also known as asset stripping.  OutSyed the Box Well first the…

UMNO Malays are funny people

Although the Menteri Besar of Johor declares that he remains the chief executive in Johor, it is hard to believe that he will do something His Highness disapproves of. In fact, his tenure as…

Johor minefield

KTemoc Konsiders In the Malay Mail Online House buyers welcome new Johor bill Chang Kim Loong who is the secretary general National House Buyers Association (HBA) appeared at first glance to be…

What are the Johoreans saying?

Big Dog A new state enactment for Johor to empower the Sultan to appoint the Chairman and Members of the Board of Housing and Properties has received quite loud responses since it was first…

Is this the beginning of the end?

Salleh Said Keruak DAP is celebrating what it calls its menang dalam kekalahan (winning in defeat) performance in the recent Teluk Intan by-election. Its candidate lost by just 238 votes in…

Mengapa Orang Cina Pula Dimusuhi?

Berbagai gelaran diberikan kepada kaum bukan Melayu. Dan persoalannya ialah apakah akan maju dan berjaya orang Melayu dengan melaungkan ‘cogan-kata’ berkenaan? Abu Hassan Adam Aku tidak…

In a state of utter confusion

Salleh Said Keruak JAIS’ action in disrupting a Hindu wedding in Selangor on suspicion that the bride was a Muslim is akin to ‘Talibanisation’, said well-known Muslim scholar and former Perlis…

Strongman required in Malaysia?

KTemoc Konsiders Some times we wish we have a strong person in charge of Malaysia's. Najib is already notorious for his, or perception of his softness/weakness. Anwar Ibrahim is no better,…