DAP: wolf in sheep’s clothing

Salleh Said Keruak Over the last one year since the May 2013 general election Malaysia has seen an escalation in issues related to race and religion, and which invariably and most unfortunately…

More on PAS’ hudud

KTemoc Konsiders Below are collected statements on PAS' intention to implement hudud. Please note: bolding and underlining below are by kaytee, not the authors or the reporting news media.…


Dr Mahathir Mohamad 1. Helen Ang, in an open letter criticised me for welcoming MCA’s decision to rejoin the BN cabinet. She pointed out that the MCA won only 7 seats while DAP won 39 seats.…

Star editor ‘pushed upstairs’

The reshuffle of editors takes place with Vincent Lee’s departure and the elevation of chief editor Wong Chun Wai to the top corporate job of chief executive, also in November. uppercaise…

How serious is PAS on Hudud?

World Future Online The Party Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) using the 'Hudud' issue to drive a wedge within the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition, this is deja-vu but what is new is what the Islamic…

After the Obama Euphoria

Azly Rahman We need to move beyond the Obama episode; “beyond those presidential selfies and we-fies”. US President Barack Obama left Malaysia, and was greeted by protests in the Philippines…

The GST issue

Salleh Said Keruak Malaysia’s population has just touched 30 million. However, only about 5.6% or 1.7 million of the country’s population pay income tax. This comes to just 14% of the 12…

Malaysia is far from going bankrupt

Salleh Said Keruak The opposition leaders are going all over telling the people that Malaysia is going bankrupt. The picture they are painting is very bleak as if the country has only a few…

Naughty Tian Chua

KTemoc Konsiders A Malaysian court convicted a prominent opposition lawmaker Thursday of biting a policeman at an illegal protest — a verdict that could cause him to lose his Parliament seat.…

The real objective of PAS’ Hudud

KTemoc Konsiders As many have written, PAS should be focussing on crimes, corruption, racism* and injustice in Malaysia rather than introducing an Islamic penal code, Hudud, which is viewed at…

The problem with Hudud …

Azly Rahman Let me seek clarification on the question of hudud rigorously proposed to be implemented in the state of Kelantan first, and next in Malaysia in due time. Sharia law is…

Agenda Melayu

Secebis Kewarasan Di kala dunia pesat berkembang, isu Melayu masih sama – kemiskinan. Biarpun sudah hampir 60 tahun merdeka, orang Melayu tetap ketinggalan. Dahulu, boleh disalahkan penjajah…

PAS and its love of hudud

They would even sleep with UMNO, whom they have described as evil and apostates KTemoc Konsiders Malay Mail Online - Without support from allies, PAS to bank on Umno’s help with hudud…

What we tend to forget

Salleh Said Keruak Last year, when the court acquitted Anwar Ibrahim of the charge of sodomy, the Pakatan Rakyat supporters hailed the ‘brave’ trial judge who ‘did the right thing’. Now that…