Kassim Ahmad – 80

Dr Mahathir Mohamad 1. Saya sedih melihat pegawai Jabatan Agama Islam dibantu oleh polis menangkap Kassim Ahmad, 80 tahun. 2. Kita ingin jadi Negara Islam yang sederhana, tidak keterlaluan.…

Federalisation is NOT colonisation

Salleh Said Keruak Of late we have been reading a lot of comments regarding the status of Sabah and Sarawak within the Federation of Malaysia, in particular in relation to the 5% oil royalty.…

Why ban Noah in Islamic countries?

Azly Rahman A good philosophical movie ‘Noah’ is; classic arguments between Fate and Free Will, juxtaposed with the Epic of Gilgamesh I am currently discussing. Now I know how Noah looks like.…

The country is in crisis

Zaid Ibrahim When former New Straits Times top dog Datuk Abdul Kadir Jasin described Dato’ Seri Najib Razak as “the Prime Minister with the worst performance in a general election since the May…


Salleh Said Keruak A recent report in the UK regarding approval ratings of the various leaders throughout the world revealed that in most countries the approval rating of its leaders rarely…

Perkasa Allowed IN / PKR Kicked OUT

We have the proof of Ibrahim Ali’s own hand that he was indeed in Sarawak, because he personally signed for drinks and snacks at the Harbour View Hotel in Kuching, where he stayed for two nights…


Salleh Said Keruak Today, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak told Parliament that gains from the ongoing subsidy rationalisation would be channelled for national development to improve the wellbeing…

Post Kajang By Election

Azmi Sharom The Kajang by election is now over. It did not capture the imagination of Malaysians as a whole because naturally we were more concerned about the fate of the tragic flight MH370.…

Dr Kassim Ahmad: One Christian response

Should I care about what PAS, Umno, JAKIM or others who claim to speak for Islam say about Dr Kassim? Rest Stop Thoughts Dr Kassim Ahmad is a Muslim. I am a Christian. Dr Kassim Ahmad is a…

Make Dr Mahathir Minister Mentor

Zaid Ibrahim In an editorial last week, the respected newspaper The Washington Post described the Malaysian Government’s and MAS’ handling of the MH370 tragedy as reflective of the problems and…


Salleh Said Keruak SUSULAN catatan saya menyokong kenyataan Ketua Menteri Sarawak Tan Seri Adenan Satem mengenai autonomi berkaitan kuasa imigresen, ramai pula bertanya semula soal Perkara 20,…

Oh Nona ku, Wan Azizah

Empire Strikes Back Saya tidak tahu akan ada pertukaran Menteri Besar – ungkapan Wan Azizah bila ditanya mengenai matlamat Kajang Move selepas Anwar Ibrahim menamakannya sebagai pengganti.…

PRK Kajang dan “Cult Politics”

A Kadir Jasin MUTAKHIR - PAKATAN Rakyat, melalui Parti Keadilan Rakyat, mengekalkan kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri  Kajang apabila Presiden PKR, Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, mengalahkan calon…

Malaysia Agreement: One-way street

The partnership and politics that helped in the formation of the country needs to be reappraised after several wrong turns   The Borneo Insider KUCHING: James Masing is among many in Sarawak…