Memang dasar Anwar penipu

Empire Strikes Back Bohong, bohong, bohong, pusingan-U. Ini senario biasa bila bercakap mengenai Ketua Pembangkang di Malaysia, Anwar Ibrahim. Bila kerajaan yang kena hentam dengan media asing…

Losing the perception game

Salleh Said Keruak Politics is a game of perception and since the 1980s Malaysia has been a victim of bad publicity. For 30 years Malaysia and the Barisan Nasional-led Malaysian government has…

Malaysia bashing is on overdrive!

KijangMas Perkasa The Western Media, including CNN, BBC, ABC, CBS and NBC, have been broadcasting again and again, almost in loop tape fashion, the near riot in the MH370 media briefing room…

MH370′s Spirit Doctor

Animism is alive and well in Southeast Asia Murray Hunter, Asia Sentinel  The visit of 'Raja Bomoh Sedunia' to Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) last week to assist in the search for…

What Now for Pakatan

Azmi Sharom With all the attacks on Pakatan leaders, namely Karpal Singh and Anwar Ibrahim, being conducted via the judicial system, what does the future hold for the opposition? In the short…

Wan Azizah Kuda Baru DAP?

Empire Strikes Back Selepas Anwar Ibrahim gagal ‘mempertahankan’ keputusan tidak bersalahnya dalam kes Sodomi II, adakah kini tumpuan dan ‘sokongan’ DAP terarah kepada Wan Azizah? Dari pena…

Anwar pun guna bomoh

Empire Strikes Back Tatkala seluruh rakyat bersimpati dan bersama memanjatkan doa bagi keselamatan semua yang terlibat dengan MH370, Anwar memilih untuk menyelar tindakan membawa masuk bomoh ke…

DAP tak kisah Anwar peliwat

Empire Strikes Back Siapa yang tidak tahu menipu dah memutar belit fakta adalah sebahagian dari resam menjadi ahli politik, tetapi Anwar Ibrahim adalah penipu yang paling besar. Cita-cita dan…

The Muslim Lawyers Association

Zaid Ibrahim There are a number of lawyers’ association in the country. There is the Muslim Lawyers Association (which I started in 1987) and there are others such as those comprising lawyers…

The ‘national consensus’ drama

Salleh Said Keruak Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said Pakatan Rakyat has decided to retract its offer of national consensus with the Barisan Nasional (BN) following his conviction…

A reminder to Kajang folks

Salleh Said Keruak Operasi Lalang of 27th October 1987 saw the arrest of 106 persons under the Internal Security Act (ISA) and the revoking of the publishing licenses of two dailies, The Star…

RBA pengganas siber DAP

Empire Strikes Back Sama ada Red Bean Army atau bukan, sekiranya mengancam keharmonian negara serta memberi impak negatif yang berterusan kepada generasi muda, ianya harus dihentikan. Jangan…

To the soothsayers of doom

Salleh Said Keruak In the fourth quarter of 2013, Malaysia’s economy accelerated to an annual GDP growth rate of 5.1%, the fastest pace in the last four quarters, supported by private sector…

Zaid Jilat Anwar?

Zaid Ibrahim Saya merujuk kepada kenyataan Profesor Redzuan Othman dari UMCEDEL dalam The Malaysian Insider beberapa hari lalu yang berkata saya pernah menjilat Anwar, sedangkan dia tidak.…

ABU hanya jerat untuk rakyat

Empire Strikes Back Asalkan Bukan Umno, gerakan rakyat untuk membebaskan Malaysia daripada cengkaman Umno. Bunyinya seperti satu perjuangan yang sangat murni, tetapi persoalannya, adakah…

So WHO Is The MACC Going To Arrest?

Inexplicably, these dutiful diggers at the MACC have come to the conclusion that, because Taib took care not to put his own signature on the documents and set up a system whereby his juniors could…

Enron-ising Malaysia

Azly Rahman Malaysia’s monopoly corporate crony capitalism, framed and flourishing ethnocentrically and laced with economic fascism continue to take root, fashioned after the ethos and…