Congrats To The G25

OUTSYED THE BOX I first wrote this in early January 2020. I would like to offer my congratulations to G25 for their excellent research and  conclusions in their 404 page report…

Vote and support may not coincide

SALLEH SAID Politik hari ini jauh beza dengan politik pada masa yang lepas. Zaman dahulu, sekiranya seseorang itu menyokong Umno maka orang itu hanya akan mengundi untuk Umno. Mereka tidak…


Azmi Arshad Tommy Thomas claims the image was too blur to be able to identify that it was Azmin in the sex video. The one that is blur is Tommy Thomas. (1) The videos were clear enough…

Two wrongs don’t make a right

Amer Hamzah Malaysia has laws that permit wiretapping, but such laws only permit certain enforcement authorities to do that. Even then, there are strict procedures that must be complied with.…

Selamat Datang 2020

Salleh Said 1. Tahun Baru 2020 tiba untuk mengajak kita rakyat Malaysia meraikan segala pencapaian dan kejayaan yang telah kita kecapi sepanjang tahun 2019. 2. Pada masa sama, ia turut…

All for Mama … k’s sake

KTemoc Konsiders Naturally Saudi is mad as hell, because her bête noires Iran and Qatar are attending, whereas Pakistan has kuai-kuai absent herself, wakakaka. But Saudi might not know…