Rafidah, Queen of the APs

Rafidah had the power to decide who got public company shares or IPOs and even the Prime Minister needed her help to get shares for his sons. Because she held the Prime Minister’s secrets, she had…

Ijok is Azmin’s undersea tunnel

Khalid gave a very credible and solid reason for his action while Suhaimi is going on the argument of win-win for all in this RM1.18 billion deal. It is a win for the land owners, who receive RM421…

First Lady of AGC panas bontot

In the first statement the police recorded from me, I gave them a stack of documents as evidence of the wrongdoings and transgressions of the First Lady of the AGC. Just to give you one example, I…

Guan Eng cakap karut

In this case Rafizi is claiming he is the victim and not the criminal. And Guan Eng agrees with Rafizi but admits that it is the laws that are wrong. Is Guan Eng now going to propose that laws…

First Lady of AGC goes on a rampage

It appears that Faridah Begum is going all out to protect TMI and to punish those who are challenging TMI. Considering her name is listed as the shareholder and director of TMI, while her brother is…

The next Selangor MB will be from PAN

In short, DAP is going to decide who the next Selangor Menteri Besar is going to be and it is not going to be Azmin Ali but someone from PAN a.k.a. Amanah. It is too early for DAP themselves to take…