Forex RCI: Nowhere to Hide 4.0

And that is what the Forex RCI a.k.a. Nowhere to Hide 4.0 is all about -- the death of Kit Siang, DAP and Pakatan Harapan once Mahathir, Daim and Anwar are hanged from the highest tree for costing…

Kit Siang is panicking big-time

Now Kit Siang does not think the Pakatan Ali Baba idea is a good idea after all. The baggage that Mahathir is carrying is going to be DAP’s and Pakatan Harapan’s baggage as well and the Chinese are…

Betrayal is in Mahathir’s DNA

There was so much on Ku Li’s plate so he could not also do the job of Deputy Prime Minister at the same time. Ku Li told Hussein he will forgo his turn and become the Deputy Prime Minister when the…