Is PAS coming or going?

PAS is giving a new meaning to the term we don't know whether they are coming or going. It is very confusing when one day some PAS leaders say this and the next day other PAS leaders say that. Can’t…

Mahathir finally gets his way

In 1999 the opposition asked the voters to kick out Mahathir and replace him with Anwar. Today, the opposition is asking the voters to kick out Najib and replace him him with…

Najib’s week of victories

Last week has been a week of victories for Najib. Two years after the launch of the attacks on him, Najib has got the opposition not only on the run but running around in circles as well. From the…

Why Kit Siang burst into tears today

One year after Mahathir resigned from Umno on 29th February 2016 and took over the leadership of Pakatan Harapan was the worst one year for the opposition. Reflecting on this disaster brought Kit…

What the RCI is going to discover

Mahathir and Daim made billions. How much they made the RCI will have to determine but it was billions for sure. According to those in Mahathir’s and Daim’s circle, the amount is around US$8…

Mahathir has outlived his goodwill

Mahathir was Malaysia’s longest-serving PM. And that, of course, brings with it a tremendous amount of goodwill. But goodwill, like all things, has a shelf-life and expiry date. And if you misuse or…

Guan Eng gila talak

Guan Eng is what Malays would call gila talak. After divorcing PAS he now wants PAS back in his bed. PAS can agree to work with Pribumi (and it is Pribumi that wants PAS) but it has to be without…

Does Kit Siang still want his RCI?

For more than 20 years since 1993 Kit Siang has been demanding that a RCI be set up to investigate Bank Negara’s FOREX losses. Anwar also demanded the same thing in 2012 and said he was kept in the…