Azmin Ali’s Madman Theory

Team AI is closing in on Azmin Ali and the Langkah Kajang 2.0 is about to checkmate him. If Rafizi’s corruption allegation fails to stick, they are going to raise the allegation of Azmin’s affair…

PAS as a third force

In short, PAS either remains a poor virgin or it can become a rich prostitute. PAS cannot become a virgin prostitute because no such thing exists. And if you want to take your people to heaven…

Mahathir fears an Umno-PAS alliance

Mahathir has accepted the reality that Najib can no longer be ousted. In fact, Najib is stronger now than he was one year ago in June 2015. Mahathir’s only hope is to take over PKR with Azmin as…

How Hadi very cleverly killed Amanah

Actually this is a brilliant move by Hadi. Now the Malay voters in Kuala Kangsar and Sungai Besar can see that the Chinese from both sides of the political divide are united against Islam. And…

Azmin Ali’s triple-A rating

Mahathir’s plans are wider than just ousting Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and making his son, Mukhriz, the Prime Minister. It also includes helping Azmin Ali to take over as the PKR…

Azmin to be brought down before 2018

So now Azmin, too, is being accused of what Khalid was accused of, with one exception. In Azmin’s case there are women offered as bribes included. Rafizi has now backtracked slightly and explained…