Najib did a Sun Tzu on Mahathir

Killing two birds with one stone is classic. Killing five birds with one stone is epic. And Najib did the most epic thing, which even Lim Kit Siang had to admit that the score is now ten-zero in…

The deal MACC made with DAP

So now MACC, DAP and the Bar Council are allies. They work very closely together with only one objective in mind -- to bring down the Umno-led Barisan Nasional government and replace it with a…

Is the Attorney General corrupt?

And unless the MACC comes out to confirm that Apandi is not a crook then we must assume he is a crook just like we assume that Gani is a crook since the MACC never came out to confirm he is not a…

Hamid Bador, a Chinese badut

Actually, Hamid is on the payroll of a Chinese timber tycoon from Tawau, Sabah, named Elbert Lim. This Elbert is well known in Sabah as kaki curi balak. He steals logs from the forest reserves.…

There is an explosion in the MACC

Bahri and Abu Kassim almost came to blows today and the talk in the MACC headquarters is that an open and bitter war has broken out. Bahri has threatened to expose Abu Kassim and all the other…

The RM2.6 billion is not the first

One very interesting development is about the wife (or one of the wives) of the Director for Special Operations of the MACC, Bahri Mohamad Zin, being in financial trouble. It seems her business is…

Mukhriz is bigger than Kedah

You need to make people hate the DAP Chinese, the Amanah Malays, Lim Kit Siang, Lim Guan Eng, Anwar Ibrahim, Mat Sabu, the opposition, etc. This is how the opposition does it and if Umno and…

Is the MACC being blackmailed?

Whatever it may be, something is very wrong here. They are asking the MACC to investigate matters that have already been explained while ignoring matters such as the wealth of Mukhriz and his…