Mukhriz Mahathir is a part-time MB

Anyway, the real truth here regarding Mukhriz is that Umno Kedah has just about had enough of its part-time Menteri Besar. They want a full-time Menteri Besar. They want a Menteri Besar who lives…

Sarawak Report: a one-trick pony

Sarawak Report’s real agenda, which was to make Baru Bian the new Sarawak Chief Minister, surfaced when Clare Rewcastle Brown quarrelled with Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar decided that the head of PKR…

DAP is bodoh-sombong

In the previous general election, PAS offered DAP to contest the election under their (PAS) banner. Maybe in the next general election DAP can contest under Amanah’s banner instead considering…

How much did Najib pay Syed Ali?

Many have forgotten that when Dr Mahathir launched his attack on the then Prime Minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in 2006 the damage to Barisan Nasional in the 2008 general election was very…

And Dr Mahathir is still grumbling

Now that is what a rationalisation and debt-reduction program or a turn-around exercise is all about. So what is it that 1MDB did that is not normally done by all turn-around managers? I did the…

How long will Najib last?

Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin are now facing a dilemma. If they continue in their attempts to oust Najib and even if they succeed and Najib goes there is a danger that Zahid would take over as Prime…

Dr Mahathir’s spectacular failures

All of Dr Mahathir’s piratisation projects failed. The profits and returns they expected did not happen but the profits of the cronies are legally protected. His Malay crony-billionaires failed…

The PAS-Umno conflict and cooperation

PAS does not want to merge with Umno. It does not even want to join Barisan Nasional. It just wants to explore areas where it can cooperate with Umno, which is not confined just to matters related…