Why Najib can’t be toppled

I mean, what is going to happen after Najib is ‘put to death’ (metaphorically speaking, of course)? My friend then admitted that he had not thus far thought beyond that. His focus was just…

Is Saifuddin Abdullah a frog?

Anyway, I can go on and on listing down the frogs starting from Onn Jaafar (one of the founders of Umno), Tunku Abdul Rahman (Bapa Merdeka), Hussein Onn, and so on. But we do not call all these…

Everything that PAS does is wrong

Actually, the Chinese supported DAP and not PAS from the very beginning. The only reason the Chinese voted for PAS was because DAP told them to. A vote for PAS is a vote for DAP, or a vote for…

Are you sure this is about 1MDB?

“You were given false information,” the Special Branch told me. “If Najib is really guilty of the murder of Altantuya do you think we would allow him to become Prime Minister?” they added. And…

BNM being asked to bankrupt 1MBD

Quoting the Financial Services Act, he said 1MDB or those responsible for its affairs could be punished by an amount of up to three times the amount involved in a complaint by Bank Negara. This…

Why is Matthias Chang so upset?

One night in 2007, around midnight, Matthias and I went to Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah’s (Ku Li) house to discuss him taking over from Pak Lah. It was a meeting initiated by Matthias, who, of course,…

Terengganu is as good as gone

It is actually a brilliant move by Pakatan Harapan. Demolish PAS in Terengganu by giving the state to Umno. Then blame Hadi for it and force him to resign. Pakatan Harapan would be blameless…

Where is the US$2 million?

If the money had been paid and if Justo had sighted the proof of payment, that would mean the money is still somewhere in transit and is still in the hands of one or both of the brokers. And the…

Et tu, Nazir?

One negative statement from the Prime Minister’s own brother is worth 100 articles and special reports by foreign publications. And the same by the heads of various very important government…

Dr Mahathir’s exercise in futility

So, if you really want the west and the US to help you oust Najib, then you need to convince them that Najib is anti-west and that what he is doing is detrimental to the safety and security of the…

The attacks on Najib are weakening

Najib is not going to resign. And he cannot be kicked out, either through a vote of no confidence or any other means. And soon the noise will die down and no one will care any longer. That is how…