Prove you are innocent, Nur Jazlan

Was that why Muhyiddin came before the Umno supreme council to expose this conspiracy -- as a sort of payback against those who were behind the move to oust Najib but which he ended up paying for?…

DAP needs more non-Chinese members

However, as I said, thus far DAP has depended on their Malay partners to bring in the Malay votes. But depending on others to win elections is very dicey. DAP needs to garner the Malay votes…

Dial ‘D’ for Dissolve

In short, money talks, bullshit walks. And without money you can forget about dissolving Parliament to call for fresh federal elections. The anti-Najib forces can then proceed with the planned vote…

The unsung heroes behind BERSIH

And after that came Bersih 2 and  Bersih 3, and now, Bersih 4. But the Bersih that came after the 10th November 2007 Bersih march was not what we had in mind. It was not a political movement. It was…

DAP can now own Selangor

DAP will field at least five Malay candidates amongst those 25, the constitutional law expert cum university lecturer being one of those five. DAP can then choose three names from those five and…

Rafizi Ramli’s pre-emptive strike

Anyway, before Najib does come out to reveal the source of that money and what the actual amount is (because it may not really be RM2.6 billion after all), Rafizi is pre-empting that with his new…