Muhyiddin clutching at straws

In short, Najib is giving them the rope with which they will hang themselves with once Najib comes out to explain and reveal that all these people who had been whacking him all this while knew the…

PAS-DAP: a marriage made in hell

This is a very important point that the voters would certainly like to know. So it is the duty of PAS Baru a.k.a. Harapan Baru to tell us that if Pakatan Rakyat 2.0 were to capture Kelantan and…

The Empire strikes back

According to my deep throat in the Thai police, the names of the people who are on the list to be investigated, with possibly even warrants of arrest to be issued to bring them back to Thailand…

Najib: too cool for comfort

And that is why Najib is super-cool, damn him. He knows that they cannot use illegal means to oust him, and unless they can come up with tangible evidence, they cannot proceed on the basis that…

The Bank Negara scandal, yet again

There is no confirmation yet how the police are going to proceed with this case but indications are they are already quite fed up with the whole matter and this time may throw the book at Datuk…

Many battles in the 1MDB war

This whole strategy rests on just one fact: that RM2.6 billion of 1MDB’s money was transferred into Najib’s personal bank account. But was it 1MDB’s money? And was it Najib’s personal bank…

And the counter-coup is launched

Does this not make you proud to be Malaysian? At last, after 58 years of Merdeka, Malaysia has finally seen its first coup d’état and a counter-coup the very next day. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER…

Malaysia’s first coup d’état

Now, would that not be most embarrassing when you make an allegation against someone and then it is finally discovered that you and/or your children were actually the beneficiaries? Yes, in that…