Between faith and party loyalty

The only way to resolve this is to allow this matter to be brought to Parliament. Then we will see how the 222 Members of Parliament vote. Will they vote as Muslims, or non-Muslims as the case may…

PAS has Umno and PKR on the ropes

If you are not going to get non-Muslim support you might as well go all out to get more Muslim support. And to do this you need to take away the Muslim votes from Umno and PKR. And how Umno and…

Is it PAS or God who wants Hudud?

The next hurdle for Kelantan is to try to get Parliament’s approval. I don’t think PAS is really concerned about that. Their only concern is to be seen to be doing the right thing. And they…

The ‘crimes’ that Hadi committed

Then Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali met Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in London recently to, yet again, talk about the Unity-Government. One of the terms for agreeing to this Unity-Government is that…

Tolak Al Quran, kata Koon Yew Yin

Amat menarik untuk kita lihat samada akar umbi Pas akan melaksanakan apa yang disarankan oleh Koon Yew Yin dan mereka yang lain yang telah menulis mengenainya, tolak Al Quran, kerana itulah maksud…

We should legalise gay relationships

So the first step to removing bad laws, such as the sodomy law, is to legalise gay unions. Then we no longer need worry about being sent to jail for sodomy. And Pakatan Rakyat should spearhead…

Anwar screwed DAP, Hadi screwed PKR

And that was why since then Hadi became ‘cold’ towards Anwar and PKR. He knew that Anwar and PKR tried to do a deal behind his back and only invited him to be part of the deal when they failed to…

Will Anwar’s strategy work?

The success of Anwar’s plan, however, depends on the support from PAS, like it did for the Reformasi 1.0 movement back in 1998. However, PAS under Abdul Hadi Awang will not support Anwar. Hence…

With Anwar and Nik Aziz gone

That is the culture of PAS. Hadi may be the party president but Nik Aziz is the old man. So the party president would listen to the old man just like Umno still listens to its old man, Tun Dr…

The stupidity of PAS

That is a very important point that has not been explained -- that Umno is as comfortable with the Sharia amendments as PAS is. Umno will not reverse what PAS did. What Umno is doing is they are…

Kadir Jasin’s strange confession

The late Karpal Singh said that Anwar and the people he was meeting with were "at the opposite unit" to the one where Saiful had testified that the opposition leader propositioned him for sex…

Why Anwar is a Brutus to Hadi

And that is the whole reason why the PAS President, Abdul Hadi Awang, is being ‘difficult’. He knows the game plan. But will this game plan work if Anwar is sent to jail on 10th February 2015?…

Is Anwar Ibrahim going to jail?

But if the Federal Court agrees with the prosecution regarding Anwar’s sworn testimony, or rather the absence of it, plus regarding the 13 witnesses who later got cold feet when they found out…

PasMa: Pas Baru

Anwar was hoping that Hadi would be out of office by now. But Hadi is still holding on so efforts need to be stepped up to ensure a leadership change in PAS. And this is what PasMa and the RM1.5…