Giving back Sabah its rights

Now, what in particular are those rights of Sabah that are being violated or are not being honoured and respected? Thus far we are reading just general statements about the rights of Sabah not…

Umno: living in denial

Najib has to sack the entire lot and replace them with people who are not only capable but will not stab him in the back as well. Then Najib has to introduce reforms in both Umno and the…

The enigma called Sabah

One thing they tell me is that Musa Aman has been Chief Minister for too long, more than 11 years. That is their complaint against Musa Aman -- too long in office. But when I ask them, “So what?…

Malays do not have special rights

This is the crux of the whole matter. The Malays and natives do not have special rights. However, under Article 153, they do have certain privileges. Hence to remove these privileges you must…

Pergi mampuslah Pakatan Rakyat!

Today, Anwar is lamenting about the lack of freedom and how the students are being barred from inviting him to speak in the universities. Was that not what I asked him for 30 years ago, more…

The battle lines are drawn

And did not Mao Tse Tung say, ‘political power grows out of the barrel of a gun’? Hence the British, in their wisdom, gave the power of the gun to the Rulers so that the position of the Rulers and…

The referendum on the Sedition Act

And if we say ‘yes’ to a referendum on the Sedition Act, what justification is there to say ‘no’ for the other referendums as well, just like Scotland did a referendum on whether to remain in…

That is not the whole story

So the deal was simple. Get 20 other MPs to cross over first and then the 10 from Sabah will also cross over. But they are not going to be the first to cross over in case Anwar fails to get…

Was there abuse of power in MBI?

From the papers below, it appears that the RM2.5-2.6 million compensation for severance pay and early termination of contract were properly approved by the Board of Directors of MBI after all.…

PAS does not really hate Umno

The Malays in Umno, PAS and PKR all want the same thing. The only thing is PAS wants a bit extra -- the banning of liquor, gambling, sexy shows and all forms of vices, plus the implementation of…

Malaysians are too stupid to notice

If so, then PAS should not also have a personal view regarding MAS serving alcohol unless that is also the view of Pakatan Rakyat. And if this is not the view of Pakatan Rakyat that would mean DAP…

What the Malays fear

Hence fear divides Malaysians. And until Malaysians can get rid of their fears, we shall still see a divided Malaysia. While we can blame the Malays/Muslims for having what we can consider…

Rafizi’s real job as Sec-Gen

Azmin must also sign an undated letter of resignation, which can be used if he does not follow what the party wants. The Sultan and the people must also be shown that Anwar still calls the shots…

What Anwar does not seem to know

Anyway, that is what happened which Anwar, as the then Selangor Economic Adviser, should be very well aware of. And if he is not aware of this then what has he been doing all this while? And if he…

Run that by me again!

The former Kajang assemblyman believes the Kajang move was not a failure as the state PKR had initially wanted Azmin to replace former MB, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim. Azmin, however, dismissed…

The move to oust Azmin has begun

Can you see why they are attacking HRH the Sultan of Selangor? Over the next two months they have to turn the public against the Sultan so that the people will agree that Azmin should be ousted…

My response to Tommy Thomas

Anwar is fortunate that this is 2014 and not 1814. If not by now he would have a keris stuck in his belly. And there are many royalist Malays who would volunteer to do that deed. I suppose we will…

Finally it is the Sultan who decides

HRH the Sultan wants the person who becomes the MB to know that he is the Sultan’s MB and not Anwar’s MB. Hence the person who shall become the MB is not the man or woman who Anwar wants. It shall…

PKR: digging the hole even deeper

It is now very clear that Dr Wan Azizah does not have the confidence of the majority in the House. She does not have 30 ADUNs, as Anwar is bluffing us. In fact, she does not even have 25. And…