A fight PKR cannot win says ABIM

On the Selangor Menteri Besar Crisis, the meeting questioned the way that Anwar Ibrahim handled this matter. The meeting also felt that His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor would have…

Hadi knows what he is doing

Hadi knows this and that is why he sent a letter with three names. He knows this is what he must do and he cannot do anything other than that. Hence Hadi knows what he is doing while PKR and DAP…

Defy the Sultan at your own peril

So the Selangor MB Crisis is more complicated that many of us think. This is not about Khalid and the Sultan knows this. This is about Anwar and HRH the Sultan knows that Anwar does not really…

Why the need for local councils?

In the past, in the days when Umno was running Selangor, they ‘created’ projects as a means to siphon out money. They developed areas that really did not need development (like plant flowers, pave…

Dragging the palace into politics

PAS is already losing its credibility big time. It should at last guard whatever little it has left. Sabotaging DAP’s and PKR’s effort to make Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail the new Menteri Besar of…

Where is the smoking gun?

Actually, there is another reason for the Kajang Move, which PKR is not telling us. After GE13 in May 2013, PKR wanted Azmin Ali to be the Menteri Besar but both PAS and DAP said no. So they had…

PKR moving in for the kill

The Palace has now sought the advise of lawyers to see how to handle this matter. This means the Palace is going to look through the Selangor State Constitution with a fine-tooth comb to see what…

The dirt on Khalid

Tomorrow’s evidence has to be very convincing. If there was something criminal and/or immoral in the way Khalid’s out-of-court settlement with the bank was done then the evidence has to be very…

It is now water under the bridge

If it was Anwar why is he making deals with an Umno Minister to torpedo the Pakatan Rakyat State Government of Selangor? If it was not Anwar who arranged that meeting then who was it? Wahid has to…

The cancer in Pakatan Rakyat

Many who voted Pakatan Rakyat in 2008 and 2013 are now very disillusioned with the opposition. The Kajang Move, the conspiracy to oust the Selangor Menteri Besar, the conflicting and contradicting…