Anwar Ibrahim’s many U-turns

The fact that Anwar sued Umno for what he alleged was his ‘illegal sacking’ in 1998 and tried to get the court to rule that he is still legally an Umno member, plus he tried to return to Umno when…

The age of secularism

Hell, if you want to implement Hudud in England then 36 million British citizens would need to be put to death for no longer believing in God and the remaining 20 million of the 36 million will…

Passing the baton

Gobind, make your father proud. Show us that your father moulded you and brought you up in the proper way. Show the nation that you have what it takes to walk in those large shoes of the late…

Coming home to roost

Kedah has since been lost to Barisan Nasional and the Menteri Besar has since died while Khalid was reappointed the Menteri Besar of Selangor a second term in 2013 in spite of the unflattering…


I forecast that by 2029 both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat would no longer exist. Both would have imploded or disintegrated by then. The Constitutional Monarchy would still exist but it…

The Malaysia-Singapore story

I believe Lee Kuan Yew is a brilliant politician and strategist. He first used the Communists and then he used Malaysia to gain independence from Britain. He then rounded up all the Communists and…

Karpal Singh the Lone Fighter

I think I will just sit back and enjoy the show. It is so satisfying to be proven right. With Umno, PAS and the Malays in PKR, united in support of Hudud, and DAP, the non-Malays in PKR, MCA, MIC,…

Running the country on luck

We need leaders of vision and leaders with a mission. I do not see that in both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat. And this is what worries me. We are living under the illusion that the cure to…

Malaysians mudah lupa part 2

Why was Ibrahim Libya a terrorist when Anwar Ibrahim was in the government and now that he is out of the government Ibrahim Libya becomes a martyr? And Anwar must not forget that his…

Malaysians mudah lupa

Malaysians are a funny bunch. What was right 30 years ago is wrong today. And if the government had not acted back in 1985, Malaysians would have whacked the government like how they are whacking…

To be remembered

Why did Musa keep this secret for 30 years and take the blame for the bloodshed in Memali? And why suddenly reveal this most-guarded secret that had remained unknown for 30 years? More…

Calling Rafizi Ramli

People from Sabah and Sarawak talk so much. They keep complaining about the 5% oil royalty and many other matters. The opposition, too, is complaining about the same thing. Well, stop all this…

So it’s Chinese-Malay again, is it?

Let us hope His Highness the Sultan is progressive enough to agree to a female Menteri Besar for the first time in Malay history. Once that is able to happen then the possibility of a female Prime…

Was Anwar set up?

So the meeting was not just between Najib and Saiful but was in the presence of a third person, Rahimi, who was employed by PKR and worked in PKR’s office. Anwar’s lawyers, in fact, have the video…

When the reserve players come in

So stay tuned for Friday afternoon to find out whether Anwar will still be able to contest the Kajang by-election or whether Anwar will be spending a couple of days in prison while someone else…

The Selangor-Federal Water MoU

“... it is imperative for him to exercise his integrity by disclosing full details of the contents of the MOU, in order that all people of Selangor will be informed and be convinced that this deal…

The haze is hazier

Moorthy should give us the details or else we cannot see which promises have been broken. When I ‘broke’ with Anwar after 30 months I detailed the reasons why and was labelled unreasonable for…

A realignment of alliances

Anwar is not really interested in the job of Menteri Besar of Selangor. He just wants that job to facilitate a deal with Umno and ‘give’ Selangor back to Barisan Nasional through a ‘unity…

The post-Kajang storm

Azmin’s people say that Azmin has set aside a war chest of RM30 million to defend his post against Khalid or Nurul, whichever the case may be. Khalid can easily match Azmin’s RM30 million…

The ‘dirt’ on Zaid Ibrahim

There are many other Chinese towkays who are behind Anwar and PKR, not just Robert Kuok Hock Nien -- plus what’s his name, that Phileo chap? These people have given Anwar and PKR millions. Robert…

Shoving Khalid out the back door

What was that again about government injustice and selective prosecution and abusing the judicial process to get rid of your political enemies and all that other nonsense? I suppose, as Pakatan…

The palace power play

So what do these politicians really want? Do they want the Palace to get involved in politics or do they not? When it favours Barisan Nasional, they want the Palace to stay out. When it favours…

How PKNS spends our money

According to Menteri Besar Khalid, PKNS is able to save RM7 million a year just on these 22 who were sacked. Imagine how much the rest costs PKNS if just 22 people cost RM7 million. THE…

Getting in through the back door

And in the event that Anwar does not agree to allow Khalid Ibrahim to complete his term, or agree to someone from PAS taking over as Menteri Besar, then it is within the constitutional powers of…

RM40 million spent on football

Khalid also said his administration was informed that the MACC is currently investigating allegations that funds meant for the PKNS football club (FC) was misused. Three state executive council…

How Lee was spared RM5 million

Okay, the question is not how much Lee was spared (RM5 million in penalty) when he resigned. We know it is RM5 million. The question is how much was he ‘compensated’ for resigning? That is the…