Is this going to be DAP’s PKFZ?

I still have not decided whether there are any shenanigans involved in the multi-billion Ringgit Penang Undersea Tunnel project being implemented by the Penang State Government. However, the news…

No need to apologise

Anwar then summoned Azmin who admitted that he had, in fact, received the ‘election contribution’, which he did not declare not because he wanted to sailang the money but because it was illegal…

Yes Minister

So, Khalid Ibrahim is going to be removed because of the various problems he is facing in Selangor and which he cannot seem to resolve. And Anwar Ibrahim is going to replace Khalid as the Menteri…

So who will be dropped?

Currently, the Selangor Menteri Besar is from PKR, the Speaker from DAP, and the Deputy Speaker also from PKR. There are ten EXCO Members -- four from PAS and three each from PKR and DAP.  THE…

A house divided

We cannot keep fighting day in and day out and play the never-ending game of one-upmanship. Once it has been decided who is to form the government this government needs to focus on bringing the…

The RM3 billion at stake

Khalid is one stingy fellow. That, no one can deny. Anwar, Azmin Ali, in fact the entire PKR Supreme Council, complains about this. And they are very upset with Khalid for being over-protective of…

Is a marriage over the horizon?

But would this mean the death of the ABU Movement? And what is Dr Mahathir going to do to Najib if this engagement and eventual marriage does happen? Or is Najib going to tell the Old Man to go…

With our head up our anus

Let me try to understand what Aziz Bari said. Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has no power or authority to decide whether Christians can or cannot use Allah as the name for God in the Malay Bible.…

Is this about the Selangor MB?

I was told that negotiations are ongoing even as you read this. Is this what Anwar is going to announce in his “Perutusan Khas Untuk Rakyat Malaysia” at 3.00pm tomorrow? THE CORRIDORS OF POWER…

When Najib does a Pak Lah

But the Council is no longer happy with Najib. According to what Dr Mahathir said (which was reported by the media), Najib is giving in too much to the Chinese (and yet the Chinese still do not…

How we agree to disagree

So Anwar has two stands. Personally he throws his lot behind PAS and supports the ban but as the Opposition Leader he throws his lot behind DAP and opposes the ban. THE CORRIDORS OF POWER…

No quarter asked and none given

And if Anwar Ibrahim and PAS compromise on this issue they are out come next election. And if Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak compromises he is out even before the next election. THE CORRIDORS…

When the ante is upped

Do you really want to put this theory to a test and try to prove it wrong? You have very little to gain if you manage to prove this theory wrong and so much to lose if the theory is proven right.…

Wag the dog

Oh, and before you start huffing and puffing and blow the house down, reflect on another ‘wag the dog’ that I always talk about. Do you remember that I always say ‘the tail wags the dog’ instead…

Turning back the clock

Now Lim Kit Siang wants us ‘moderates’ to ‘unite as patriots to save the country’. Was that not what we tried in 2004, and again in 2008, and yet again in 2010? Why did Lim Kit Siang or DAP not…

1998 is here again

So now either Anwar ousts his own wife or else Azmin would oust her instead. And if Anwar’s daughter joins the contest for number two, then Azmin would go for number one -- never mind whether…

Reminiscent of 1984

A couple of days ago, I saw a posting on the Internet asking how does His Highness the Sultan of Selangor have sex. Since he is not married he either masturbates a lot or he has girls/women hidden…

The Rubicon has been crossed

Let both sides be warned. This has now turned into a duel to the death. And let the best combatant win. And in such a combat there are no Queensbury Rules. So if you have a weak heart, stay well…

The May coup d’état that failed

Anyway, His Highness quashed the May coup d'état and averted a crisis instead of playing along with this conspiracy and possibly allowing Umno to take back Selangor once a crisis erupts. THE…

The 1,000-year old turf war

Muslims understand Allah in terms of simple monotheism rather than the dynamic Trinitarian theology that Christians profess. Yet Allah, the word for God that Muslims know from the Qur'an, actually…

And now to the next level

Umno is hoping and praying that Pakatan Rakyat Selangor will go into a Constitutional Crisis with the Sultan. Would Umno’s prayers be answered and its wishes be granted with the possible…