It’s called posturing

So do what you want to do quietly and nothing will happen. But once you openly challenge me to a fight then I will have no choice but to accept your challenge or else I will lose face. And losing…

Our moral duty to our descendants

We have a moral duty to our descendants. And it is immoral to spend their money indiscriminately just so that we can have a better life while we care a damn about what Malaysians of 2100 are going…

Claiming the moral high ground

We must return to the time of how we did things back in 1998. Back in those days even the foreign media picked up what we said and quoted us in their news reports on Malaysia. Today, the foreign…

From hero to zero and vice versa

Today, Ku Li is a hero. However, 23 years ago, he was a pariah. But what he said 23 years ago is what he is still saying today. Hmm….the Malaysian mind, in particular the Chinese mind, is most…

Between rights and privileges

So, do I have a solution to this problem? I’m afraid that other than lining up all the politicians against the wall and shooting them all dead I do not have the solution to this problem. And that…

Is MCA back in business?

In short, DAP’s problem is because of its internal party problem (just like what happened to Umno, which resulted in the party being deregistered). But will the Chinese blame the RoS or blame DAP…

A party within a party

In the pre-Suhaimi days, Umno Youth was a party within a party, a sort of pressure group to keep the ‘mother-ship’ in line and true to the party’s struggle. Umno proper used to be very scared of…

When you cry wolf once too often

I am sorry that I cannot buy all this talk about calling for a special session of Parliament to discuss problems that were already discussed 30 years ago and which were not addressed when we said…

Why even impose toll?

I think this can be easily resolved. The state has large cash reserves, according to what they tell us. So, if the three companies still want to increase the toll, then the state can offer to…

So what’s the real issue then?

Alternatively, Pakatan Rakyat can propose that we amend the Federal Constitution of Malaysia and remove Islam as the religion of the Federation. To be very honest I have no problems with that. But…

If it’s just about money

I do not understand why you are blaming the Rulers for the cost when it not the Rulers but the state governments that decide how much to spend. Let Anwar Ibrahim, the economic adviser to the…

Where my loyalties lie

If I were asked to choose between Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional I have no problems making that choice. If I were asked to choose between a Secular State and an Islamic State I have no…

The Islamic race

And this is what is going to determine the outcome of the next general election. The Malay vote is going to decide the government. And Malay here means Islam, both culturally and constitutionally.…

An old issue revisited

So the Malays are not really as religious as most people may think. And if they vote for PAS (or Pakatan Rakyat) it is not because they love Islam but because they hate Umno (or Barisan Nasional). And…

So, were we right or were we right?

And is that not what is happening today with the many issues hitting PKR, DAP and PAS, plus Pakatan Rakyat? Just read the news and see what I mean. All hell is breaking loose. And back in 2010 we said…

The politics of positioning

Thus far, Pakatan Rakyat has been able to get away with being evasive regarding various positions. We agree to disagree. We will only act based on consensus. We will sort it out once we get into…

Raising the ante somewhat

Okay, allow me to go back to the matter of the 3Rs, which is actually what I want to talk about in my normal cheong hei fashion. The 3R issue will still be with us whether Barisan Nasional or Pakatan…

How it works

Normally, the Speaker will invite the MP to speak and only when the Speaker announces who is to speak does the MP stand up to speak. All the others are to remain seated and keep quiet. And if anyone…

The Bernas story revisited

Anwar Ibrahim said yesterday (READ HERE) that the original intent to privatise Bernas was to ensure the fulfillment of the nation’s growing rice requirement through management of

Only when politicised

I sometimes wonder whether Malaysians are really concerned about corruption, abuse of power, wastage of public funds, and whatnot, or whether they just want to politicise issues to gain votes and win…