Was it legally and morally right?

BY SELVARAJA SOMIAH The question is not just whether it is legally right because even legally it is highly questionable. Just because the 3 Appeal Court Judges accepted the Preliminary…

Goodbye, Vision 2020

Joe Samad, Free Malaysia Today On Jan 1, 2020, Malaysia should have been ushered into the ranks of developed nations, according to Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s Vision 2020. Vision 2020, conceived…

Mutiny in PKR, bounty for others

To sack Lim and Jailani from PKR for walking out of the Melaka state assembly when it mattered the most could mean a backdoor entry for the Umno-led Barisan Nasional to take control of the state…

Malaysia’s erratic foreign policy

Dennis Ignatius, Free Malaysia Today Is Malaysia’s foreign policy becoming increasingly erratic under the administration of Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad? That is a question that must…

No point reshuffling the Cabinet now

Reshuffling the Cabinet now will not solve some of the predicaments faced by the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government. Even Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad recognises this. Moaz Nair, Free…

5 reasons why PH lost Tanjung Piai

Anil Netto , Free Malaysia Today Pakatan Harapan’s defeat to Barisan Nasional in yesterday’s Tanjung Piai polls was the most predictable of all the by-elections held since the 2018 general…

Things UMNO PAS Ought To Do To Win GE15

All the secrecy over the actual content of the charter is because Umno and PAS want to make sure Umno’s allies MCA and MIC are kept in the dark at least for now, as both parties will not be happy…

The Political Mess in Tanjung Piai

I do not remember any statement of MCA that would make me think that it was a racist party. But, the MCA leadership is the one showing very little for it to be considered a party with strong…

Kenapa Melayu rajin merasuah

Asalkan boleh mengkorap, Melayu akan mengkorup. Faisal Tehrani, Free Malaysia Today Baru-baru ini ada pelajar bertanya kepada saya, mengapakah terdapat gejala rasuah yang begitu berakar dan…

Chinese mood worries Pakatan

It is still early days in the Tanjung Piai by-election campaign, but the signs are that the Chinese mood is at its most unsettled since the 14th General Election. Joceline Tan, The Star THE…

With friends like these…

Is he saying or accusing the MCA candidate and the MCA itself as being “owed” by Umno-PAS, that the MCA man is just a “symbol” or a “figurehead”? Mohsin Abdullah, Sin Chew Daily A friend of…

In Malaysia, who calls the shots?

Who controls or polices the police? Assemblyman Saari Sungib said that when being interrogated by the Special Branch during his ISA detention, the SB told him that the police could determine the…