The UPSR leak stained by greed

Ishmael Lim, FMT When news of the second leak in the UPSR examinations came to light last Thursday evening, the public’s earlier sense of worry and disappointment must surely have turned into…

Najib and the ultras

“Sudden change of policy,” said a former Umno strategist when asked about the current spate of arrests and prosecution under the Sedition Act. Mohsin Abdullah Couldn’t say if he was joking…

Understanding the Sedition Act cannon

If Malay interests are not being threatened, then what is the use or relevance of having a party built on the ethos of protecting Malay interests? Nathaniel Tan, The Ant Daily “Know…

What is Pasma’s real objective?

Zubaidah Abu Bakar, The Rakyat Post NOT much is known about Kedah PAS leader Datuk Phahrolrazi Zawawi, who claims to be the president of Persatuan Ummah Sejahtera Malaysia or Pasma, a new…

The apology that was an insult

Instead of repairing the damage, Lim Guan Eng and Anwar Ibrahim have made it worse. Roslan Bistamam, Free Malaysia Today Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has apologised on behalf of DAP…

PKR can explore better options

Going against the Sultan will further divide the nation into monarchists and non-monarchists Ishmael Lim, Free Malaysia Today While most lay people are wondering who the palace will anoint…

Selangor crisis further entrenched

It will be a total misfortune to the country if Selangor's MB crisis is exploited into a grand congregation for conservative powers in the country. Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily The Selangor…

Pact runs into discord

DAP leaders who once used to mock MCA by accusing the party of being under “Umno’s sarong” now appeared to be very comfortable under “Anwar’s sarong” instead. M. Veera Pandiyan, The Star The…

Fight sedition or promote harmony?

Dr Chandra Muzaffar, New Straits Times WHEN Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak announced more than two years ago that the Sedition Act of 1948 would be repealed and replaced by a National…

Anwar PM in 2018! (Epitaph II)

Umar Mukhtar Why not? Anwar Ibrahim is a capable man. He is capable of doing anything to achieve his PM ambitions. Like going back to the Anwar of his UMNO days idolised by the racists for his…

Bombshell from Selangor palace

The Selangor Sultan’s statement expressing disappointment with PKR and DAP on the mentri besar issue is the clearest indication yet that the palace does not regard Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan…

Najib Desperate To Be Relevant

Najib’s thousandth day in office went unheralded. Not even he took notice, and for good reason. He had nothing to show for it.  M. Bakri Musa Last Saturday, September 6, 2014, marked a…

Hot mess in Selangor

Aspiring Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail is riding a speeding train that is headed for a collision with the Selangor Palace.  Joceline Tan, The Star DATUK Seri Anwar…

The Selangor upheaval

Ishmael Lim, Free Malaysia Today With the deadline of September 3rd for sending in nominees to the Palace well and truly over, Pakatan Rakyat has yet to come to a consensus on who should head…

Ada perang dalam Umno?

Yang perlu ditanya (oleh Umno) ialah bukan mengapa Dr Mahathir kritik tetapi tanya benar atau tidak apa yang Dr Mahathir kata. Fakta atau fitnah? Dan ambil langkah susulan berdasarkan jawapan yang…

Anwar has lost control

Umar Mukhtar Many have credited Anwar Ibrahim with the creation of Pakatan Rakyat. Maybe, but does he really deserve it? The truth is, a united opposition is an idea whose time has come. And…

A comedy of errors: What is PKR up to?

Later today, PKR will issue its third statement in 24 hours on the Selangor Menteri Besar issue. Roslan Bistamam, FMT What happened yesterday can only be described as a comedy of errors.…

Creating militants in our schools?

(MMO) - I doubt you can understand the Palestinian struggle just from a two-hour lecture and dressing up like fighters, jihadists and militants. A few weeks ago, a Facebook posting caught my…

PPS arrests: A case of overdoing it

If the intention was to prevent a crime, a stern warning before the start of the march would have sufficed. Ishmael Lim, FMT The timing of Sunday’s police action against the PPS contingent…

Belakang Pusing Zahid

Ktemoc Konsiders Zahid Hamidi has earlier said non-Malays were becoming increasingly arrogant, wakakaka and I have to grudgingly admit there is some truth there in-as-much as UMNO-ites have…