Unnecessary ill will

What's in a name? Well, in Malaysia, it is a big issue and, as events have shown, there are no winners even if the matter has been decided by the apex court. Wong Chun Wai, The Star LET me,…

Taking the chair, not warming the seat

Many, many things can and need to be done. Sophisticated and simple things. Things that touch the lives of Aseans. Only then will they see its meaning. Tan Sri Dr Munir Majid, The Star IT…

A dangerous turn of events

The fact that there hasn’t been any denial from the Prime Minister’s Office seems to suggest that he did say those things. There are so many examples he could have given, instead he cited the…

A leap into antiquity

The Federal Court has missed an opportunity to clarify and correct some disturbing rulings.  Shad Saleem Faruqi, The Star OLIVER Wendell Holmes Jr., the famous American judge and jurist,…

Religion is religion

Sin Chew Daily Following the Federal Court's ruling to reject a challenge to the ban on Catholic weekly The Herald using the word "Allah" to refer to the Christian God, the Catholic Church's…

Understanding Malay Islam

A perceived threat onto Islam in peninsular Malaysia directly translates into a perceived threat to Malays. Mikhail Rosli, MMO Of late, there is a feeling of bewilderment among many people…

The Constitution must be supreme

But does this article mean that the rights and values of non-Muslim Malaysians are completely irrelevant the moment Islam comes into any matter? Karim Raslan, The Star With faith-related…

Time for a third force in politics

Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily I have been contemplating of late what has gone wrong with the country's two-party system. And it has not brought a more promising outlook. The two-party system…

A hot bed of controversy

Azmin Ali has established a clear lead in the contest for the PKR deputy presidency, Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim is putting up a good fight in Selangor but Saifuddin Nasution has taken off for…

Legal actions to dissipate chaos

Sin Chew Daily Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail finally takes actions to fight against a series of disordered events recently by charging those allegedly making seditious remarks and…

Wrong basis of argument

Obviously the Constitution has not been established upon the basis of the Holy Koran, which sets it apart from the constitutions of countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Afghanistan. Tay…

A transparency tool we can use

Tricia Yeoh, The Sun Daily DURING the 2015 Budget Consultation, the World Bank representative said explicitly that Malaysia would have to cut its annual budget down by 2.5% each year starting…

Can a youthful rebranding of BN work?

If the young professionals are supposed to defend the government’s policies, why can’t the ministers and civil service do so?  Nik Nazmi, TMI Barisan Nasional, according to an 11 June 2014 …

How oil helps dictatorships survive

Erica Frantz, Barbara Geddes & Joseph Wright, The Washington Post The latest coup in Thailand is the country’s twelfth since the end of absolute monarchy in 1932.  This coup overturned a…

PAS’s hudud is not divine law

Shafiqah Othman Hamzah, The Malaysian Insider In my blog post, "Why I do not agree with hudud in Malaysia", I mentioned that I was not against hudud law, but its implementation. One would think…

Kisah kek dan hak Melayu

Siapa rampas kek orang Melayu? Uthaya Sankar SB, MMO Ayuh kita bayangkan bahawa terdapat sejumlah 50 orang Melayu dan 50 kek untuk mereka. Pada masa sama, terdapat 30 orang Cina dan 20 orang…

Be fair and just in any conflict

The Star THERE is no denying that we are struggling to resolve many issues with regard to race and religion, with no definitive solution in sight. Even a verdict from the courts, which are…

BN, why the silence?

So many have been vocal about their displeasure at MAIS except anyone from our ruling government. Why is this so? Free Malaysia Today With so many incensed with the Selangor Islamic…

Scoring political points with hudud

Joceline Tan, The Star There was relief all round when Barisan Nasional decided to pull back their motion to debate the prospect of hudud in Selangor. Many Selangoreans were unhappy when…