Dr Kua Kia Soong, SUARAM Adviser As the former MP for Petaling Jaya, I am glad that the people there have taken a stand against the Kidex highway and there is a campaign to put a stop to…

A risk too large to take

With emotions running high in a Muslim society now tipping towards the conservatives, any idea that leans towards greater conservatism, including the hudud law, will have broad social basis to be…

Never forget your IC

(TMI) - Ahmad Abdul Abdullah is a very forgetful and absent-minded man. He always forgets where he puts things and also never remembers to bring essential items like his IC with him. Being…

Playing with fire

Lim Mun Fah, Sin Chew Daily Many Malaysians had to spend the last ten days living in restlessness, fear and anxiety, as people brought up sensitive issues in the name of defending their…

Providing check and balance

Life is larger than the law and no Constitution is exhaustive or can anticipate every contingency. Shad Saleem Faruqi, The Star IN this column on May 29 it had been pointed out that though…

National Harmony and other Fluffy Bills

The originators of the Bills, like the Prime Minister, do not seem to know what the people want nor do they understand the root cause of the problem they claim to be addressing with such…

Treating animals right

Natalie Shabona Ambrose, The Sun Daily WHEN the parent thinks that no one is in the house down the street where two dogs live, he stops his car outside the house, winds down the window and lets…

Who do the dead ‘belong’ to?

Only in Malaysia: religious authorities having no qualms about gatecrashing your wedding or your funeral. Self-appointed guardians of our souls, they seem to believe that it's God's job to look…

Of demons and humans

Why are we the chosen ones and everybody else an infidel, a kafir, an untouchable? Why is the need to feel good only achieved by demonising the other?  Kapil Sethi, MMO History is replete…

A case of dads gone wrong

Why do some men exact vengeance on their former spouses by using their innocent kids as pawns? Sandra John, Free Malaysia Today Father’s Day is just around the corner and as kids everywhere…

Confronting our demons

Interpreting a provision on the freedom of religion will set a precedent on how other guarantees of freedoms are to be understood. Malik Imtiaz, I READ with interest the call by some…

The Bill and constitutional monarchy

Tay Tian Yan, Sin Chew Daily Yesterday (June 7) was the birthday of His Majesty Yang di-Pertuan Agong, a day when all Malaysians celebrated as a public holiday to mark our respect for the…

Rocky road for Pakatan

The Kajang Move was not the new politics they had been promised and damaged the image of Pakatan. It opened the eyes of many, especially that of the urban intelligentsia and younger cohort, to the…

Malaysia’s value-less education

Rip Van Winkle, The Malaysian Insider Has there ever been doubt that the income/wellbeing gap between stronger and weaker students will widen over time if problems related to this fissure are…

PKR terus kalut

Lisa Adam, FMT Malang dan terus malang. Pemilihan dalaman yang tunggang-langgang, politik wang yang ternyata masih dipraktikkan , penyokong parti yang tindak-tanduknya seperti samseng, dakwaan…

A royal household unmatched

The so-called legal experts may have jumped the gun in commenting on the constitutional validity of a proposed enactment in Johor. Free Malaysia Today A few days ago it was reported that the…