Numbers game to climax soon?

December could be the month where those pushing for Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad to complete a full term in office show their hand. Joceline Tan, The Star DATUK Seri Anwar Ibrahim has reached a…

DAP leaders’ silence is deafening

Kua Kia Soong, Malaysiakini The banning of “Superman” Hew Kuan Yau’s comic book on China’s Belt Road Initiative must surely be the ultimate farce under our so-called “New Malaysia”. Suaram’s…

Worst yet to come?

Hew Kuan Yau is no stranger to controversy but his comic book on China-Malaysia relations has landed him and DAP in hot water. Joceline Tan, The Star These are turbulent times for “Superman” as…

Dark horse candidate for PM8?

EVERYTHING about the succession plan for Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to move up appears to be in place, yet so little about it seems to be for sure. Even Anwar himself seemed a little uncertain, going…

DAP serang Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad

DR KAMARUL ZAMAN HAJI YUSOFF, HARAKAH Saya bersetuju dengan beberapa pandangan bahawa serangan DAP ke atas Naib Canselor UM yang merupakan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penganjur Kongres Maruah Melayu,…

Kidding ourselves in an estranged land

How should Malaysians deemed not constitutionally Malay teach their children citizenship? To explain belonging, when mum and dad aren’t sure if they belong. Praba Ganesan, The Malay Mail Online…

Membuka pintu mafia

Abdul Hadi Awang, FMT Mafia dinamakan “La Cosa Nostra” dalam bahasa Itali atau makna “urusan kami” adalah pertubuhan haram yang menjalankan kegiatan jenayah dan keganasan di Sicily dan Amerika…

Utusan and the wave of Malay dignity

During Najib Razak’s time it was totally unrecognisable as a newspaper, sounding more like a party pamphlet. But the rot started during Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s first stint as prime minister.…

A deep sense of despair

It never once crossed my mind that covering this Malay Dignity Congress could prompt me to rethink an option I have long dismissed. Michel Chng, Sin Chew Daily On the day of covering the…

A trail of broken promises

Athi Shankar, NTH Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad won’t handover the premiership to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in May 2020 as promised. Previously, according to the Pakatan Harapan (PH) arrangement,…

Syed Saddiq and his policies

Abdul Rahman Talib Lim Teong Kim’s recent podcast on BFM on the state of Malaysian football was a sobering one. His observations, not as a politician, but as a professional highlight the…