Critical time for Khalid in PKR polls

The PKR election will reach a watershed point when Sabah votes this weekend because the votes in this second biggest state in the party can make or break a candidate. Joceline Tan, The Star…

Norman Fernandez

Lim Mun Fah, Sin Chew Daily On the question whether the Pakatan Rakyat Supreme Council did reach an agreement on the implementation of the hudud law in Kelantan, it appears that all the three…

This is not Islam

Replacing a system that has served us well, with one that has not been proven to work elsewhere is irresponsible. Disguising it in the name of Islam is plain disgusting.  Kamal Amzan, MMO I…

Hudud – test for the Constitution

There are provisions for the federal legislature to authorise Kelantan to implement its Islamic criminal enactment. Shad Saleem Faruqi, The Star PARTI Islam SeMalaysia (PAS) appears…

Ke mana halatuju pemilihan PKR 2014?

Lisa Adam, FMT Pelbagai ‘kisah’ menarik mewarnai pemilihan parti PKR yang sedang berlangsung di lebih 200 cabang di serata Malaysia. Namun yang paling menarik mungkin apa yang belaku di Lawas…

My views on hudud

Ivanpal Singh Grewal, The Malaysian Insider Malaysia has once again been thrown into a political vortex and the credit this time goes to Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) who have expressed their…

PAS penentu masa depan Pakatan Rakyat?

Apabila isu-isu agama dibangkitkan dalam pilihanraya, ia memberi kesan buruk kepada parti-parti pembangkang. Wan Hamidi Hamid, TMI Sejak penubuhannya pada 1951, PAS tidak pernah putus asa…

Has DAP fallen into MCA’s hudud trap?

MCA is against hudud but they want to be the good guys and not be seen as attacking a Malay religious party. They want DAP to do the dirty job for them and DAP fell for it hook, line and sinker.…

April is the cruelest month

Top PKR leaders are now getting serious about reforms, after about 15 years of not being able to define exactly what kind of form the reforms would take. Jerome Martin, MM It’s been a sad,…

The continued dumbing down of the people

I have lost count of the things our government thinks Malays should be protected from. Erna Mahyuni, MM Everything is a threat to the Malays and Islam, it seems. Malay-speaking Christians.…

Anwar – yea today, nay tomorrow

Does being on the other side suddenly make you see things clearer and take on the mantle of crusader of the truth? Su-Yin Tan, FMT Can we ever take what Anwar Ibrahim says for real? Having…

Who is to blame for S’gor water woes?

The Selangor Government’s reluctance to gradually raise tariffs, to allow water companies to increase supply and reduce leakages, forced the Federal Government to step in and initiate damage…

Water – Khalid should own up

Azman Ujang THE past few weeks must have been a soul-searching time for Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim who had ignored warnings about a water crisis in Selangor for most of the six years he has…

Obama’s Cynical Malaysian Sojourn

John Barthelsen, Asia Sentinel For anyone in Southeast Asia with an interest in fair, honest and even-handed government, the disappointing visit of President Barack Obama to Malaysia is a…

Hudud slowly getting a foot in

Many of us, particularly non-Muslim voters, never took seriously what PAS’ ultimate plan is. But now, we’re faced with the dreaded reality. Wong Chun Wai, The Star IF there’s one thing that…

What’s the rush with hudud?

Zurairi AR, Malay Mail Online By insisting to seek Parliament’s approval to implement hudud in Kelantan this year, Islamist party PAS has certainly put all other political parties in terribly…

Defending the basic structure

Malik Imtiaz Sarwar It appears that PAS will be seeking to give effect to the Kelantan Syariah Criminal Code Enactment II of 1993 by way of a Private Members Bill in Parliament. Through this,…

Will he go like a gentleman?

Speculation is rife that Terengganu will have a new Mentri Besar by May amid claims that Datuk Seri Ahmad Said had promised to stay on for only a year after the general election. Joceline Tan…

Hudud and the basic-structure doctrine

Art Harun NOT many people know about this piece of history of our country. Allow me to recount this so that this passage of our history would not just fade away from the recesses of our memory.…

Obama’s Malaysia Test

America’s role in Malaysia is highly polarizing. The Malaysian government has already interpreted Obama’s visit as an endorsement of Najib’s leadership, while opposition activists accuse the US of…

Hudud – Let us agree to disagree

Mohamed Hanipa Maidin, Harakah Daily This article is not aimed at convincing anybody especially our non Muslim brothers. It is merely to share the underlying philosophy as to why an Islamic…