Race to the top

(MMO) - History is used (or abused) to provide justifications for the creation and maintenance of policies that treat people according to pre-set racial categories: for in this conception ethnic…

Malaysia’s Allah Issue Seen from Afar

It is the government that seized more than 20,000 Bibles in 2009. It is the government that banned the use of the word "Allah" in the Catholic weekly The Herald. It is the government’s Police…

Uniformity is not unity

But over here, some people’s idea of unity is for half the country to come together and the other half to dumbly sit back and wait for scraps. Marina Mahathir, The Star In this journey of…

Mohsin Abdulllah: Enter Noh Omar – Again

(fz.com) - That gives the impression the MCA is agreeable to an Umno man leading the way. Perhaps in the name of BN unity. Still to detractors that is yet another sign of the MCA “kow towing“ to…

Did we back the wrong horse?

Cronyism and nepotism are rife in DAP and PKR to the point that even Umno must take a back seat when it comes to family dynasties. CT Ali, FMT My sleeps are deeply troubled by my thoughts on…

Quandary over who will be MB

Selangorians are getting mixed signals. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is acting like he is the next Mentri Besar of Selangor while MB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim is behaving like he is here to stay.  …

Of Ibrahims and satay in Kajang

Lately, whether by design, fate or plain coincidence, we have been seeing, reading or hearing about people or issues that involve the name Ibrahim. Wong Chun Wai, The Star THERE is something…

Free water is populism gone mad!

Kua Kia Soong, The Malaysian Insider The intention by the Selangor State government to provide free water to the residents of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya in addition to its free water policy in…

View the Allah controversy in context

Abdullah Ismail, The Malaysian Insider I refer to Nehali’s article “Brahma instead of Allah?” . It was in response to my reply in The Star, February 8, 2014, to Dr Patricia A. Martin Martinez’s…

Remembering an old friend

Tunku Abidin, The Malay Mail I share an alma mater with Raja Petra Kamarudin, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and dozens of relatives. Friends with kids tell me that it remains a quality…

Religiously chasing hope

“My niece died early today,” he said. “She was buried this morning. I could not go for the funeral.” I stared. What about the service? The wake? “She was Muslim,” he explained simply. The…

Spotlight on Sarawak and Selangor

Constitutional issues are coming to the fore, revolving around the posts of the head of government and head of state Shad Saleem Faruqi, The Star  The impending resignation of Sarawak Chief…

Anwar’s political chicanery

The Opposition Leader's justification in forcing a by-election is nothing more than an attempt to fool Kajang voters to advance his personal ambitions Narinder Singh, FMT Anwar Ibrahim is…

Zaid Ibrahim, change and democracy

Tan Zhong Yan, The Malay Mail The minute Zaid Ibrahim announced his intention to contest in the Kajang by-election as an independent candidate, a lot of Pakatan Rakyat’s leaders, supporters and…

Has Selangor MB Position Been Cursed?

Ashraf Wahab, Malaysia Digest COME March 23, the attention of the nation will be focused on Kajang for what should be a significant event in Malaysia’s political history. Why a by-election…

Dissecting politics in Kajang

In other words, if you get the support of the bulk of the Sungai Chua voters, you would win Kajang. Philip Golingai, The Star With the by-election drawing closer, speculation about its…

Brahma instead of Allah?

What happens if the Hindu claims that Brahma belongs to their exclusive use just like the Malaysian Muslims are claiming now?  Nehali, The Malaysian Insider I refer to letter published in a…

Unclear if Anwar can become MB

Selangor Mentri Besar Khalid Ibrahim’s supporters claim he has the numbers to hold on to his job. Joceline Tan, The Star DATUK Seri Anwar Ibrahim is regarded as unbeatable in the Kajang…

Squabbles over councillors

Politicking in Selangor has delayed appointments of these positions which are seen as a stepping-stone towards higher posts. Brian Martin, The Star THE manner in which the recent appointment…