The myth of indispensability

Ku Ali, TMI Whoever surrounds themselves with nodding heads, will develop an unrealistic, inflated sense of self. This inflated self worth will eventually make them believe in the myth of…

Choosing politics over results

When will our politicians move on from the business of politicking and finally come to the business of governing Malaysia? By Adam Reza, FMT The year is 2014, fresh from GE13 last May, fresh…

All is not well in PKR

The Kajang by-election is a crucial test for Anwar to gauge his effective or ineffectiveness in the eyes of the rakyat Jeswan Kaur, FMT Former deputy prime minister and current opposition de…

Hitting three birds with one stone

The public outcry over the forced by-election in Kajang was not what Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and the strategic brains behind the move, Rafizi Ramli, had expected. Joceline Tan, The Star…

Will Kajang be Anwar’s Waterloo?

Worse, what if Anwar actually loses? It could be the end of the war for PKR’s generalissimo. How would that impact on GE14 and Pakatan’s hopes of capturing Putrajaya? Kee Thuan Chye, TMI…

Political chess a necessary evil?

Although Khalid Ibrahim has done a good job as Menteri Besar, he is too stingy and has hoarded up RM2.9 billion in the state coffers. Being thrifty is good but there is no need to be stingy.…

Will this be Anwar’s swan song?

Narinder Kaur, FMT Facing a near political demise post-GE13, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim may well be trying his last shot via the backdoor to wiggle into the decision making seat of the…

Choose the way you make choices

We blind ourselves to this situation because we think our leaders are making the right choices for us. Marina Mahathir THESE days if you walk into a coffee bar, you find yourself faced…

When the tables are turned

Maria J Dass,  DEAR Pakatan Rakyat leaders, When people in Selangor went to the polls and put you in power over the last two terms, they had hoped for an efficient state government…

Dear Anwar, drop the CNY drama

After all, there is an unwritten rule in the state that an MB had to be Selangor-born. For the record, Anwar is from Penang while Azmin was born in Singapore. Then there’s the consent of the…

Politicians and their end game

In every nation there are people who do bad things to each other – even if they are of the same race and of the same religion. CT Ali, FMT If you tell me that there are Chinese in Malaysia…

My response to Anwar Ibrahim

Salleh Said Keruak Deputy Chief Umno Sabah There are various statements made by Anwar Ibrahim yesterday that require clarification because, as usual, Anwar is not presenting the full facts…

Hindraf is at the mercy of Umno

By Joginder Ranni, FMT On April 18, 2013, Najib Tun Razak apologised to the Indian community and a historic MOU was signed in front of 1,000 Hindraf supporters in KL while millions of Malaysian…

Little sign of the new politics

The promise of new politics after the 2008 polls has not materialised. It is now more toxic with shades of race and religion made worse by politicians who play to the gallery. Joceline Tan, The…

Pro-Umno bloggers rebel against PM

Anisah Shukry, FMT Calls for Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak to step down are gaining momentum in the pro-Umno blogosphere, signaling a concerted effort within the own party’s fold to remove the…

Too much politicking…

Selena Tay, FMT The recent religious issues concerning the Catholic Herald weekly newspaper, the Bible and terminology is worked up by certain quarters to create rifts and difficulties between…

Taking liberties with the fundamentals

Malik Imtiaz Shawar CONSIDERING what is happening around us, it is hardly surprising that many are asking whether there is anyone in control of the country anymore. The controversies are…