Malaysia for Malays

Please understand that you do not speak for other races. You do not get to “reject accusations that non-Malays have been unfairly treated.” It is not your prerogative to decide whether they feel…

In Malaysia, flipping over the script

Proposed changes to a school textbook have sparked a public debate that goes to the heart of national identity. Ooi Kok Hin, The Independent When Sin Chew Daily, the largest Chinese daily in…

What I think of Zakir Naik

By Wong Jae Senn, New Malaysia Herald Let’s start with what he was alleged to have said that triggered a deluge of anger: 1. Indians in Malaysia are more loyal to PM Modi than they are to…

Zakir, Dong Zong, and racism

It is definitely racism for a person to force his own language and culture onto other people in an interventive and assaultive manner, and call those reluctant to submit to them "racists".…

The Constitution, the law and the PM

Philip Golingai, The Star “LET me get a copy of the Constitution, ” said Datuk Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi on Monday before my interview with the Constitutional law expert. I was at the Emeritus…

Falling off the pedestal

Whenever the PH government is handling an issue from the perspectives of race, non-Malays will instantly feel that they have been neglected or unfairly treated, and such a negative sentiment is…

We’re khat in yet another controversy

Dr Mahathir Mohamad was prime minister (during Ops Lalang) and he is prime minister now, and Anwar Ibrahim was education minister then and prime-minister-in waiting now. A Kathirasen, Free Malaysia…

Once the floodgates are opened…

There have been too may unfulfilled promises during the past 400 plus days. Can we trust another pledge made to the Jawi curriculum? Tay Tian Yan, Sin Chew Daily SOME SAY TO change a people…

State your plans, not excuses

Don’t use ‘deep state’ to rationalise the lack of achievements. Tell us how you plan to attain them, and when. Nathaniel Tan, The Star WE got treated to quite the smackdown in the most recent…

Knives are out for Azmin

Joceline Tan, The Star IT has been an extremely agonising couple of months for Datuk Seri Azmin Ali with the political spotlight trained squarely on this once golden boy of PKR. Despite his…

Hadi Awang, the future PM?

So, who will become the chairman of the Unmo-PAS alliance? Based on the number of seats won, sure enough it will be Ahmad Zahid. But, will Hadi Awang take over the lead if Zahid is eventually found…

Why doesn’t Azmin attend PKR meetings?

Everyone except the truly naive must realise that Azmin is obviously having meetings of his own with his cartel within PKR, operating in parallel – and often in complete opposition to –…

Who created the so-called deep state?

Spare us the pseudo-theories about the so-called deep state to justify reneging on your election promises. Kua Kia Soong, Free Malaysia Today You have to laugh at the way one Pakatan Harapan…

Has the dream derailed?

Who has the numbers? As Azmin’s uneasy relationship with Anwar comes under scrutiny, Dr Mahathir seems to hold all the cards when it comes who will succeed him, when.  Philip Golingai, The Star…

Water crisis the price of populism

Kua Kia Soong, Free Malaysia Today Malaysia’s water industry is in “dire straits”, so says the water, land and natural resources minister. The country is expected to see its water resources…

Anwar PM, DAP Timbalan PM

Salleh SD Rakyat Malaysia sudah nampak dengan jelas bahawa Anwar tidak sabar untuk mengambil jawatan Perdana Menteri Malaysia dari Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Sifatnya yang tidak sabar-sabar untuk…