Game of thrones a la Malaysia

Ivanpal Singh Grewal, The Star As I write this column, I am travelling on a train from Paris to Amsterdam. One of the things I enjoy the most in my post-political life is being to travel freely…

Will Azmin accept Anwar’s olive branch?

Anwar is very aware that his aspiration to become the next prime minister also rests on his ability to keep his party in one piece. People are not going to take him seriously if his party breaks…

Anwar Ibrahim’s days are numbered

S Thayaparan, Malaysiakini “They conclude it was an evil conspiracy to bring down the person in the video, whom they were not able to identify for sure. You can’t be more comical than this.” – …

Fallout at point of no return

Joceline Tan, The Star ANOTHER bombshell has just fallen – the sex video, which has dominated the headlines, is more likely to be authentic than a deepfake. The revelation will further…

Sex video issue hots up

There is danger everywhere for both Anwar and Azmin because the outcome of the police investigations will determine their political future. Joceline Tan, The Star IT has been one hot mess in…

A rare glimpse into NEP’s origins

There were two groups in Umno then: one wanted to be inclusive and go slowly but surely with the Malay agenda. Another group wanted to push everything fast to ensure Malays were dominant. Among…

Pakatan split on Malay unity

Pakatan has made many U-turns in the last one year. But if this is allowed to happen, it will be one U-turn too many and many Pakatan leaders are dead against it. But can they stop Dr Mahathir?…

Curing Malaysia’s ills

Leaders of the country must lead. They should not just think about winning the next election. Mohamed Awang Lah, Free Malaysia Today As a layman and non-partisan observer, I would like to…

Malaysia: A muted future without a pilot

The aftershocks from the pornographic videos — despite the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission’s (MCMC) best efforts to dissuade their spread — reveal severe fault-lines in the…

Twists and turns in sex video case

Joceline Tan, The Star A FIERCE storm continues to swirl around Datuk Seri Azmin Ali but the Economic Affairs Minister has gone about his Hari Raya rounds as if all is normal in his work and…

Better ‘liwat’ than never?

Philip Golingai, The Star SEVEN days before his alleged sexual tryst with a cabinet minister, the accuser, Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz, posted on Facebook a group photograph of him and PKR…