Is it Azmin or a deepfake?

Philip Golingai, The Star DEEPFAKE. It is the buzzword in Malaysia since the appearance of the sex tryst video allegedly involving a Cabinet minister. Deepfake, according to, is…

Hidden hands behind sex rendezvous

Dr Mahathir is not going to take it lying down if he sees this as a move to tie his hands and restrict his options. An angry Chedet will be a dangerous thing. Joceline Tan, The Star DATUK Seri…

One for all and all for one

Wong Chun Wai, The Star THE controversy surrounding the appointment of Latheefa Koya as the new Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission chief commissioner isn’t going away soon and can only lead…

‘Siapa lagi Melayu mau?’

For some in the Malay heartland, this holiday season is a good time to reflect on the political positions of the community.  Philip Golingai, The Star WHEN Professor Shamsul Amri Baharuddin…

Malaysia: Another Crisis Looming?

The strong sense of social conformity, the exclusion of a national sense of ownership to all, the current totalitarian nature of authority and ketuanan Melayu narratives are a very dangerous mix.…

Where are Amri and Koh?

As Raja Petra wrote in his book; “The peoples’ wrath will see to it that changes will occur at whatever costs.” Jason Thomas, The Asean Post “It started in 1998. It peaked 10 years later in…

Najib a warrior, Kit Siang a worrier

Wan Haron Wan Hassan, Free Malaysia Today Say what you want, come what may, it looks like former prime minister Najib Razak is here to stay. He is no longer in Seri Perdana, may not be in Taman…

Kit Siang disappoints Malaysians

The important thing to the rest of us is whether or not Lim has forfeited his right to target Najib again. Abdar Rahman Koya, Free Malaysia Today At last, a live debate between two icons of…

Maszlee yang susah

Timmy Say, FMT Ketika isu kuota 90% untuk kemasukan pelajar Bumiputera ke matrikulasi menjadi isu sensasi bulan lalu, Kementerian Pendidikan membawa isu itu ke Kabinet untuk dibuat keputusan.…

Economic value of language

Businessmen are in the business of making money, not one of winning votes or of fanning racial anger. So, if you are in London, Paris or Milan, you will find that many brand outlets there have…

Anwar dah bankrap idea ke?

SD Salleh Nampaknya Anwar Ibrahim ni masih lagi memainkan isu Umno memberi PAS wang sebanyak RM90 juta. Kalau betul pun yang Umno memberi PAS wang sebanyak RM90 juta, jadi apa masalahnya? Satu…

Have you missed BN since May 9?

Clement Stanley, Free Malaysia Today It is interesting to note that as Pakatan Harapan (PH) reaches its first anniversary of being in government, the public, including NGOs, have been giving…

Whither now, Malaysia Baharu?

Lyana Khairuddin, The Star IT is an Oxford tradition for students to pin a carnation to our sub fusc (academic gown) when sitting for examinations. The colour of the carnation represents how…

END GAME Kerajaan Pakatan Harapan

SD Salleh Lagi beberapa hari, akan genap satu tahun bersamaan dengan 12 bulan atau 365 hari kerajaan Pakatan Harapan memerintah Malaysia. Jadi, penghujung untuk genapkan satu tahun mereka…