Enough distractions, PH

Kua Kia Soong, FMT Since its victory in the last general election, Pakatan Harapan (PH) has been feeding us an endless stream of distractions while not providing a political economic and…

Wake-up call for Pakatan govt

The Islamic flavour, the sheer numbers and single-minded purpose of protesters at the anti-Icerd rally means that the government cannot afford to ignore what the Malays want.  Joceline Tan, The…

Calling the kettle black

Wong Chun Wai, The Star MALAYSIANS are a very strange lot. Not all of us, mind you, but a big portion of us seem to find it easy to contradict our own behaviour and thoughts. It’s like some…

Can Umno go without MCA?

Even though there are 120 Malay-majority seats or over half of the total, non-Malays could be the kingmakers in many of them. Umno and PAS may not win all! Tay Tian Yan, Sin Chew Daily MCA…

Why I don’t believe in unity

There are Malaysians who actually think that what the Indonesians did a long time ago ― banning the use of Chinese names and languages ― was the right thing to do to foster unity by making…

Small hearts

They hate to see other communities gain access to the same liberal and equal space despite the fact this country is large enough for all. Tay Tian Yan, Sin Chew Daily SOME PEOPLE TEND to…

Our officials implicated in Aussie case

The person identified was business-man Haris Hussein – the brother of Datuk Hishammuddin Hussein and cousin of Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Razak. Gurdial Singh Nijar, The Sun Daily YET again a…

Wanted: A new national narrative

Zainah Anwar, The Star IN my agama school in Johor Baru in the 1960s, I learnt about Iblis (Satan) who refused to bow down with the other angels before the first human (Adam) that God crea­ted.…

On our own merit

Marina Mahathir, The Star WHEN I was admitted to a local boarding school as a teenager many aeons ago, I had the misfortune of arriving at school late by two weeks. The misfortune was mine…

That keg waiting to be lit

Siti Kasim, The Star OUR unity in diversity is one of the gems that make me love so much this nation we call Malaysia. It is something so dear and precious, and a source of joy that we must all…

And the divide keeps growing in Malaysia

We are now in a stalemate, an impasse. RUU355 is left on the backburner and ICERD will remain unsigned. It’s our way of resolving matters by leaving them unresolved, the classic Mexican standoff.…

Politicising education hurts the Chinese

From the writing in the Chinese media, it can be seen that this issue is threatening to become a “Chinese community vs LGE/DAP” confrontation. This may not augur well for Lim. Ho Wah Foon, The…


If not because of MARA's 100% Malay intake and strict racial quotas of public university admission, there wasn't even a need for TAR College. Tay Tian Yan, Sin Chew Daily Some people still…

Burning the race candle from both ends

The prime minister struggles today because he was a key progenitor for decades of upping the language on race. Praba Ganesan, The Malay Mail Online Currently, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is a…

ICERD and the end of Malaysia Baru

Rather than being consigned to the dustbin of history after May 9, Ketuanan Melayu will now become the altar at which all Malay politicians will have to offer obeisance if they wish to hold power.…